Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Third Person's POV

Every place has it's own mysterious stories revolving around abandon and haunted places. Some of this stories are mostly accompanied with ghost and vengeful spirits.

There's a story, a similar story that has been recently the talk of people in Japan and other countries in years since the unexpected and myterious murder that happened in the year 1914 to 1920 when 21 students from Kemitsu No Yaiba Academy suddenly disappeared without any trace only to be found dead in an abandon alley way with missing body parts after 6 years. Nobody knew the real reason of why they disappeared and how they died so it remained as a mystery. But one day, the fear and sadness from that year came back after several students started to disappeared again as the families of the students can only fear the worst that can happen to their childrens.

One of those families were the Kamado Family, Kie and Tanjuro couldn't accept the fact that their son and daughter had mysteriously disappeared. They wished that it was just a joke but it wasn't. All they can do was pray and hope that their childrens were okay. But as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months there were still no clue to where all the students could have been.


Tanjiro's POV

I woke up laying in a bed in an unfamiliar but for a reason, I couldn't remember a single thing that happened before I got here, I don't even know where 'here' is. I sat up and looked around when I noticed nezuko was also here. I hurriedly walk towards her and tried to wake her up. After some time she opened her eyes and I asked her as she replied that she too doesn't know where we are and how we got here.

We walked around the room and looked for things we could use. We found two flashlight, two bag packs, batteries, water and foods. We also tried opening the windows but had no luck at all, although there was a door, we didn't open it yet just to be prepared for our safety. After making sure that there were no other way out we quietly walk towards the door and opened it revealing a long hall way. I held Nezuko's hand and opened the flashlight we found as we got out of the room and tried our best not to make any loud noise. The hall way was pretty old and it was giving us goosebumps.

After minutes of walking, we reached two different paths to take. Both were dark so we couldn't see what's on the other side. Me and Nezuko think for a few moments before deciding to take the path on the right as we continued walking silently.

As we we're walking past to what look like a kitchen I saw something or more like someone from the corner of my eyes in the darkness, I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl but it surely had long and black hair and has blue.. no teal eyes. I brushed off the thought because maybe I was just seeing things and just focus on the path. The both of us just kept walking straight in the hall like a never ending journey ti'll we reached a stair going down and another path to the left.

We both look at each other and was about to say where we should go when we heard foot steps on the left hall. I couldn't make out Nezuko's reaction but I could feel she was scared. Even though I was scared as well, as her big brother I stand infront defending her. As the foot steps were getting closer I prepared myself to fight this person, I point the flashlight at the noises direction and I was shocked to see who it was. It was a boy who had blonde hair and yellow eyes, me and him shared some same classes together and sometimes interact with each other.

"Zensu.. no, Zenitsu! what are you doing here?" I asked the scared looking boy who was gonna have a heart attack any moment.

"I don't know! I just woke up in a room with my friend, but now I don't know where he is!!" Zenitsu cried as he run towards me and clung onto me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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