Oh, Mister Albedo!

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Sucrose's wide eyes stare at her in confusion, her shyness getting in the way of talking to the girl as she rambles on. "My my my, it's Sucrose! It's been a while, good to see you!"

Her arms embrace the assistant tightly, then they move to sneakily grab a syringe. "I'd love to chat with you some more, but mister Albedo and I have... plans." she plunges the syringe in her neck, injecting the sleeping serum. Sucrose yelps and soon faints in her arms, her circular glasses tumbling off her face. "Ah- Albedo... she's a little heavy. Can you take her to the operation table?"

"What. Did. You. Just. Do."

Albedo stands frozen in shock for a moment, not believing what had just happened, his mind racing as he tries to figure out what he could have done to prevent this from happening. After a few seconds of being completely still, he looks down, then at the syringe still in Sucrose's neck... he is clearly angry at himself. His hand trembling, he gently lifts up Sucrose and brings her over to the operation table, then lays her down where he had set her before.

(Y/N) pulls gloves over her hands, and a mask over her mouth. "That went smoothly.... Albedo? Albedo, is something the matter? You look, er, pale."

There's a mixture of shock and disbelief clear in his eyes. As the realization of what she just did dawns on him, anger flares up inside of him-- he is furious, both with her and himself. He tries his best not to let it show, however, speaking in a steady voice. "You should not have used that..."

As he shakes his head, his soft blond locks fall over his face. "...No matter. Let us use this as an opportunity, and continue with the experiment. We would waste our time if we do not."

She narrows her eyes as she analyzes him. "Albedo, this is all for your sake. It will help you in your alchemy research. This is only a hurdle that you have to get over. I'll help you, and I'll be here with you the entire way, okay? Sucrose will be... fine." She pats him on the shoulder, tenderly sweeping a lock of his blond hair away from his eyes "Now, let's get started, shall we?"

He stares at Sucrose's sleeping form, his voice softening in the face of his anger. With a sigh, he looks up to meet her gaze, then nods. "...Yes, you are correct. I am in your debt." The edge of an uneasy smile flits across his face as she tries to reassure him.

He walks over to a nearby cabinet, extracting a pair of scissors and a small scalpel. He places them on the operating table. "Let's begin."

"Good..." She looks at Sucrose, and the dog-like ears on her head in fascination. "Oh lovely Sucrose... you were always such a pain in the ass." She muttered under her breath as she swept a hand over the assistants soft cheek, then turned around to fill a syringe with the red liquid. "Albedo, start."

He looks back at Sucrose. A sigh of frustration escapes his lips, and he shakes his head before speaking in a quiet voice, though his anger is still evident in his tone. His eyes flit to his assistant, then at the scalpel. He pauses for a moment, then closes his eyes and steels his resolve even further.

"Very well. This can no longer be delayed." He opened his eyes, grabbed the scalpel with his dominant hand, and moved toward Sucrose.

She watched him cut his assistants skin, her (e/c) eyes darkening, and he pries open an opening for her to inject the red substance, then she hesitates. "Albedo... would you like to do the honours? This is your experiment, after all."

"Yes..." Slowly, he moves his hand with the syringe toward the gap in Sucrose's skin. He hesitates for a moment, a strange mixture of emotions on his face, but closes his eyes tightly to clear his mind. His mind is flooded with all sorts of thoughts, but he pushes them aside.

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