realtionship headcannons

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★-Okay, this boy was head over heels for you the second he saw you. (call it love at first sight if you want)

★- Fell first and harder. He's a hopeless romantic, what can I say?

★- Once he realizes he's (very) in love, he'll want his family to approve of you.

★-  His family is most important to him, so, of course, he wants to make sure they're okay with it.

★- Obviously, his family loves you to death. (sometimes Pav thinks they love you more than him /j)

★- Cafe dates 100%

★- He will also memorize all of your favorite orders from different places

★- Also going randomly show up at your window to your bedroom with a latte from the cafe down the

★- Also will get little trinkets that remind him of you and give them to you

★- He does this a lot when he's in another universe helping with a villain there

★- Will also talk non-stop about you to the other spiders at HQ (or anywhere really)

★- Got Miguel upset at him because of how much he was talking about you at one point

★- You will also have a whole stuffed animal collection with all the animals being gifted from him

★- Leaves little notes in your locker at school, or in your room, or anywhere he thinks you'll find them

★- In the notes he just reminds you how much he loves you, cares about you, etc<3

★- Pav looks at you like you hung the stars and the moon 24/7

★- Has multiple Spotify playlists with songs that remind him of you

★- You guys definitely go to dog shelters around town and help out

★-  The two of you have sooo many matching things

★- Bracelets, earrings, necklaces, key chains, you name it

★- I also like to think that Pav can make bracelets and gives you one every week

★- He has def kissed you while he's hanging upside down with his mask just pulled up enough to kiss you

★- Going with this, he loves to kiss you any chance he can get

★- He likes to save kisses on the lips for more private moments

★- But he will be kissing you on the cheek, nose, forehead, etc. (only if you're comfortable with it:3)

★- He has a routine that before he goes out to do anything, he'll go over to you and just give your cheek a little smooch

★- Loves physical contact with you, and will not hesitate to have it with you in public (if you're okay with it

★- If you're okay with it, he'll put his arm around
your waist, over your shoulder, or hold your hands

★- He also likes to lock his pinky fingers with you; he thinks its really cute<3

★- Your first date with him was seeing a movie

★- And halfway through he just slightly moves his hand closer to yours silently asking to hold hands

★- I also like to think his body naturally runs warm

★- So when you guys hold hands it always gives you a comforting feeling

★- Also will help you with homework if you don't understand it

★- Will make these cute flashcards with stickers all over them

★- And every time you get an answer right he'll give you a piece of your fav candy

★- Then give you a peck on the lips<3

★- And if you're doing a worksheet after you're done he'll review it,

★- Then put these scented stickers on the questions you got right

★- He will be so patient with you even if the thing you aren't understanding is super simple

★- He literally has hearts in his eyes when looking at you (or when he thinks about you)

★- When you guys have sleepovers, prepare to make the best pillow fort known to mankind with him

★- Like im talking fairy lights, stuffed animals, pillows, basically paradise

★- Also, movie marathons 100%

★- You guys have also definitely gone to a diner together and share a milkshake with each other

★- Also, when you two are cuddling, he is your
personal heater

★- A bit annoying during the summer - but it's nice during winter

★- Will also pass you notes in class

★- Attempts not to get caught passing the notes

★- And, is usually successful because of his spidey senses

★-  He didn't tell you about  him being spider man right away

★- Probably told you three or so months into the relationship

★- Also I like to think he loves Legos

★- So you two def have dates where you just build legos with each other

★- And, dates pottery making and painting places are a must with him

★- You two went there at one point and made matching mugs with each other<3

★- And if you're into plants, he will 100% take you on a date to a garden of some sort

★- Also, because of where he lives, I feel like that area would have a lot of festivals of that sort

★- So he takes you to those; and gets you the amazing street food that is there

★- And if you're into crystals, expect to be getting them pretty often from him

★- He shows his love with all of the (main) love

★- But gift-giving and physical contact are his main ones

★- When he met your parents, he def got a flower bouquet for you and your mom

★- Let's just say, your parents approved of him very quickly

★- Overall, he loves you very much and is super duper happy that you're in a relationship with him <3

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Posted: June 10, 2023
Word count: 926

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