Sweet friends

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Hi guys, probably don't even remember me lol I've been gone from watt pad for a long time! I kind of fell out of the whole fanfiction writing stuff, not because I didn't/don't enjoy it, it just seemed like I continued to get writers block on EVERY. SINGLE. STORY I came up with, except for a few

I make no promises this will continue on or not but I hope you enjoy either way!

This is all based around this cartoon show called "DC Super Hero Girls" that I feel ABSOLUTELY in love with!!

It'd been a long day at Metropolis high school and Babs was so excited to hang out with Harleen at Sweet Justice

Harleen didn't really get along with her other friends so they had to hang out together without the other girls

"Babsi I missed you!!" Harleen squealed when she came into the shop just shortly after Babs

"Harleen, we go to the same school you know?" Babs replied laughing slightly.

"I know, but your other friends don't like me! And for some reason mine don't like you either, seems like its so hard for us to find time in between for each other!!" Harleen sighed in defeat.

"I know." Babs replied, her answer coming up short.

"It's ok!" Harleen beams, she was always so chipper, it matched Babs' own behavior as well, probably why they were such great friends!

"So how was school, any boyfriends or anything, what about your other friends?" Harleen asked in one quick sentence, much like she always did.

"Harl, you know that if I had a boyfriend you for sure would be the first to know!"

"As it should be!" Harleen quickly piped in.

"And school, well i mean, it's school, BORING!" Babs continued answering her questions

"As for my other friends and I we've been...super busy lately." Deep down Babs REALLY wanted to tell Harleen the truth, they'd been best friends for longer than they could remember.

But they were "Secret identities" for a reason...and as much as she adored her best friend, she also knew Harleen was HORRIBLE at keeping secrets...not that she didn't try, she just would get so excited about something and start talking a mile a second and had a tendency to accidentally blurt out whatever secret had previously been burning in her brain.

"You seem to be busy with your friends too, what are you guys always up to?"

"Uh! Just...stuff!" Real smooth Harleen! She cursed to herself.

Harleen had always so desperately wanted to tell Babs the truth about her, and maybe her friends as well, but Babs was a bit of a goody goody and knew she probably wouldn't like her as much anymore if she ever found out what she and her friends were always up to.

After an awkward silence which was broken once Barry came to the bar where they'd been sitting.

"So what are we having today ladies?" He asked with a grin.

"You know, my usual, double chocolate sundae with the white chocolate chips and whipped cream!" Harleen replied, she hadn't been much of a sweets lover when she was still living in Gotham but once Babs brought her for the first time she had absolutely fallen in love with "Sweet Justice's" Ice cream, maybe there just weren't any GOOD ice cream shops in Gotham

"And I of course will have just a chocolate shake with whipped cream today, keeping it simple! Me and my friends have..." She glanced sideways at Harleen "Athletic training today!" Babs answered cheerfully.

Harleen shot her a confused look. "Since when are you in to working out?" She asked.

"Uhh, well, my other friends like working out, so naturally I sort of followed along." Babs shrugged.

"OooKaaay" Harleen replied slowly."

In her head, Babs sighed in relief.

Seemed like it was getting harder and harder to hide her secret.

She sure has been acting weirder and weirder ever since I moved here. Harleen thought questioningly to herself, wondering what Babs has REALLY been up to lately.

The two friends finished their treats with an awkward silence following them the whole time, once they were done they smiled and hugged.

"Same time tomorrow?" Babs asked.

"Oh uh, I actually have plans with my other friends tomorrow." She bites her lip, hoping Babs wouldn't take it personally.

"Oh...okay, the day after that then!" She replied happily, although she had to admit she felt a little hurt.

"Great!" Harleen squealed in reply.

Babs gave a lopsided smile, hugging her friend again.

"I'm sorry I've been so distant lately, but do know that I REALLY am happy to have you here in Metropolis with me! Makes me miss Gotham a little less! She grinned as they pulled out of the hug.

"I was thinking the SAME thing!" Harleen replied with a large grin, her eyes squinted by how big it was, typical Harleen! Babs smiled to herself.

It definitely probably was better for her secret identity to remain secret, she wouldn't want to risk messing up her friendship with Harleen!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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