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Hi!! Above this is a picture of three girls. The one on the right is Lucy, the one on the left is Crystal and the one in the middle is me!! Now I'd like to point out that while I'm the one writing this fic it will not be in my point of view. I originally wanted it in my point of view but I'd like to have other people perspectives on it such as Crystal's, I don't want to hog the spotlight so it will be written in the third point of view. Don't worry I will not be doing any point of view changes except for right here. I'm sure once you read the prologue below that you will see that I've done it from both mine and Crystal's perspectives. The reason for this is to show our views on pokemon and the games, and to also show our thoughts on why we'd wish to be in the pokemon world. Any and all art for this book like the cover or the picture tagged with the prologue here will all be done by Crystal unless I say otherwise. One last thing, their will be no Yaoi or Yuri, I won't reveal the pairings yet and I'm not sure if Crystal or I will end up with someone, but you never know!! Now that that's sorted out go on and read the prologue!!

My name is Kacey Shizen... but those who only know me through the internet know me as Kk50000... I love pokemon... Even though it's just a game... I love the feeling of joy I get when I catch a new pokemon... The sense of accomplishment I feel when one of my pokemon evolves... The feeling of pride I get when I defeat someone important like a gym leader or one of the elite four or a champion... or even the leader of a criminal organisation... Even though they're just a bunch of numbers that are all intertwined to make an amazing game, I can't help but become slightly attached to my main team of pokemon. Once I finish a game I go and train all of my other pokemon so they get to the same level as my main team, but I get this weird feeling whenever I use the pokemon that stayed in my PC for my entire journey... I can't really describe it, but it just doesn't feel right... I guess I'm weird like that... I wish that pokemon were real... I wish that I lived in the pokemon world... Too bad it will never happen... Wishes just don't come true... I would one day regret thinking that...

I've always loved pokemon... The games are so much fun. It feels good to escape from my hard life and go save the be a be someone who matters... Someone who can make a difference... Of course that's not the real me... that's only who I am in the game... I could never actually save anyone, let alone the world... But in some cases... it can't hurt to dream... My name is Crystal Kinera... and I too will regret believing that a simple wish could never come true...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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