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"You're such a fucking twat!"

"Oh, please, tell me how I'm yet another word in that list of yours", Harry spits out, studies Louis, studies his hands grabbing onto to themselves into fists as if he needs to hold onto something.

"You're such a twat because you're scared. You're so fucking scared of trying because you're so scared of failing. You give up as soon as things get hard! You give up on the band, you give up on us- "

"I have tried! I have fucking tried and you know better than anyone else that I- "

"Well, try harder!"

"You're just jealous that you don't have anything else outside the band!"

"Fuck you, Harry"

"It's true, though, isn't it?"

"You're so fucking selfish. I've done whatever you've fucking needed to make all this better for you, I've painted your fucking nails, I've listened to you go on and fucking on about how tired you are of the people you need to be around everyday as if one of those people isn't me, I've fought with Simon only for- "

"Did I ask you to do that?"

"I did it because I love you! I've just been loving you and you can't even give me a fucking month to figure out what- "

"I can't be here anymore, I can't do it, how many times do you need me to explain- "

"Because you're being selfish and you think you're so much better than me!", Harry looks at him for a moment, stops screaming back at his face. He just studies Louis' glossy eyes. Harry knows Louis doesn't cry often, and it feels like he could count on his fingers how many times he's seen him cry before these past few months. Harry knows just by the way his eyes flicker that Louis might cry. He's just so done, he's tired of being misunderstood and he doesn't understand how to make Louis understand.

It takes a minute before Harry decides what to say next, it takes a minute of staring into Louis' blue eyes before he makes up his mind, it takes a minute of catching of Louis' lip quivers before he opens his mouth again.

"At least I'm not desperately holding onto the past. At least I'm honest when things just aren't working out anymore. At least I'm not scared of the future just because it means I'll have to grow up", Harry's voice is steady, too steady "At least I don't cling to other people, desperate for attention, just because I don't know who I am without them. At least I'm at peace with myself. At least I don't have to make myself heard in every damn room just because I'm scared of being forgotten. Do you ever just shut up?", Louis breathes slowly, desperately trying to slow down his heartbeat. He lets his eyes meet Harry's, swallowing.

"You're so full of yourself", Louis whispers, staring straight up at Harry. The room fills with a loud silence, a silence that echoes like thunder in their heads. It's a funny thing when you've been attached to the hip with someone for almost five years, it's like you can read each other's minds, at least you think you can. Two minutes of loud silence before Louis decides he needs a smoke. He clears his throat quietly as a heads to his jacket.

Harry follows Louis with his gaze to the other side of the hotel room, sees him try to find the little red package of cigarettes and the dark green lighter Harry knows Louis will have to exchange for a new one very soon.

"You know what?", Harry speaks, making Louis sigh and look over at him.

"What?", Harry meets Louis' gaze for a second before he slowly takes a ring off of his finger, the one the fans calm The Peace-ring, carefully places it on the side table next to the couch.

"I think we're done here, Louis"

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