The Morning Show

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Louis looks at himself in the mirror while the stylist perfects his hair, smiles to Bebe Rexha passing by behind him. It's not that he hates the song, he just doesn't love it, he wouldn't listen to it if it played on the radio in the car. Maybe he would even change radio stations because it isn't his taste in music.

He is at least making music. Bebe is also an unbelievably kind person who he's happy he gets the opportunity to work with, to have made a song with. He just wants it to feel like when he wrote for the band. Maybe it wasn't exactly his taste in music even then, but it was closer to it, he got to feel like he had some control. Now it's just him, unsuccessful, desperately trying to cling onto something, writing music he doesn't particularly like because at least it's something.

He gets out of the chair, clears his throat before chugging what was left of his Red Bull. He didn't used to be nervous before a show or a performance, now he is. He feels like he might die from how fast his heart is beating. He had a nightmare last night about how he's going to mess up the entire song, not hit any correct note.

"Sweetheart, you look like you're gonna throw up", he suddenly hears a kind voice say.

"It's fine, Bebe, just nerves", he tries, smiles softly when she puts her hands on his cheeks and looks him in the eyes.

"Let me know if there's anything I can do. Promise?", Louis smiles halfheartedly.

"Promise", Bebe seems content with the answer, gently pats his cheek with a hand before leaving to get her make up done. Louis turns to look at himself in the mirror again, from afar. It's just a morning show performance, he'll be fine. He's done morning shows before, it'll be fine.

Except that all those times he's done morning shows before it's been with the band, he even had Harry to comfort him in case he was nervous. He never had to worry because Harry was just always there.

Nowadays it feels like he worries about everything, and no one around him knows him well enough to know what to do. Harry always knew, he knew in an instant. Louis shakes his head. It's been years, get over it, he thinks to himself before going to say hi to the producer. Chicago better be nice to him, or he might never go up on a stage again.

Half an hour later he's walking with Bebe to the studio, laughing about something she said about guys. Bebe crooks arms with him, smiling. Louis softly smiles back. If there's anything making music he doesn't like himself has given him it's Bebe. Bebe who's so talented, kind and genuine. Bebe who was very adamant that they'd see each other privately for a few pints before working together, Bebe who caught him crying while on the phone with one of his sisters when he found out Harry was dating yet another girl.

"Bebe, Louis, good morning, thank you for being here", the host says with a smile when they go live. Louis puts on a bright smile.

"Thank you for having us", him and Bebe happen to say in sync, ending up laughing a bit about it.

"I think the whole thing works because Louis and I work well together, that's really important to me", Bebe explains when getting a question about their collaboration.

"Songwriting can get very personal, so for me it's super important to have people in the room that I click with, you know?", Louis fills in.

The performance isn't too bad, Louis doesn't feel like he need to loathe about it way too much.

"Brunch after this?", Bebe suggests while they're taking a picture for social media.

"Brunch after this sounds perfect"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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