Chapter 1: The Time Slip

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(my sister wanted me to put music to these chapters. so since there's a character being introduced in this chapter, I felt like a song that would be in a Playlist of his would go well for this chapter. Plus, it's also of that era 🧐)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - The year is 1992, two years after another incident involving Herbert West and another of his horrible creations

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The year is 1992, two years after another incident involving Herbert West and another of his horrible creations.

We head to where Herbert is still living in the house where he and Dan share as roommates. Surprisingly, Hebert was able to squeeze himself away from the legal trouble he got himself into during the last incident.

Dan had gone to live with Francesca and do whatever she wanted since he'd rather not involve himself with any more of Herbert's madness.

Anyways, Herbert was getting ready to head to bed, not changing out of his usual outfit since he didn't really find it necessary to change it just yet. He placed his glasses on the nightstand and then buried himself with the one blanket he owned on the bed. He slowly drifted off into sleep.

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An alarm went off.

"Huh..." Herbert woke up slowly, feeling as if he'd been asleep for ages. "Wait a second..that doesn't sound like my alarm," he said once finally waking up.

But wait—this room looks different. The bed he's lying on is a queen-sized bed. There are way more things in here that make it look like it was lived in by a couple and not a lone man.

He tries to get his glasses from the nightstand where he usually puts them on, but they aren't to be found.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" He must've spoken a bit too loud to have attracted someone to this room. He hears the voice of a boy getting closer.

"DAAAD! I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WERE AT WOOORK-" His voice sounded annoying and kind of whiney.

The boy opens the door and sees Herbert in bed.

"Uhm?" The kid is confused about why there's a random guy in his parents bedroom.

The kid looks to be in his teen years, perhaps 17 years old? He had light brown hair. He's wearing a black t-shirt, baggy tan brown jeans, black combat boots, a few ear piercings, a dogtag necklace and maroon rimmed glasses.

"Holy shit- is mom cheating on dad?," He said under his breath "She could've done waaaay better." He didn't seem that much surprised or scared at the odd man's presence. To him, the guy actully seemed pretty harmless.
Herbert had a puzzled look on his face, then spoke up "It seems that while I was sleeping, you have indulged into this residence without thinking there being someone already living here? So if you could just take everything away and leave, that would be incredible," He rambled.

The teenager didn't seem to care at all what Hebert was saying to him. He was just tuning him out by using his phone.
"Hey hey! Listen up yoy child— wait- what is it that you are holding?" He said to him, now being curious on what the teen has in his hands "What in the world even is that...*thing* ?" He squinted his eyes to see if he could get a better look. "Useless," he said quickly.
The kid laughed, "Jesus Christ, man. First off, my family has been living here for a few years. I don't know how you think we can just come here overnight. Second off, this "straight gray slab" is my phone. Haven't you ever seen one?"

Herbert scrunched his nose. "I know what a phone looks like. I've just never seen one on such a small scale."

He stood out of bed. He was still wearing his usual outfit since he finds it stupid to change into pajamas.

He tried getting closer to the kid but ended up tripping over a slipper that was on the floor.

"AHHHHHHH!" he yelled out.

The teen laughed, "Woah dude. Looks like your vision ain't the best if you got no glasses on. Hmm..let me just"

"You children and your odd ways of speaking. It disgusts me." Herbert stood up fast, still squinting his eyes, also having a sour look on his face.

"Oh wait- ok now I found them." The kid walked over to the nightstand and picked up his dad's glasses and handed them to Herbert.

"He usually wears contact lenses, so he won't really notice if these things go missing."

Herbert looked down at them and placed them on his face, saying, "Ah, that's much better. Also, back to that weird cellular device. When did they get so...puny?"

"Uhm, I don't know, man? This one was released about a year ago."

"A year ago? That can't be possible. Last year, there weren't any phones of that type of quality.

"Uh dude, last year was 2008. Right not is 2009 man."


Herbert felt dread fill his body at the thought of about two decades passing by in just one night. How could this even be possible? How is this even conceivable?

The teen noticed how Herbert just stood there, frozen in thought.

"Hey man? you ok?" He asked him

Herbert got his train of thought back.

"Uhm..yes..yes." Mr. West placed his hand on his head, still a little shocked by what he just heard.

"Also just letting you know man, don't call me "child". My name is Spencer" the kid playfully punched Herbert on the arm.

Its the year 2009 and now Herbert has to adjust himself to a future that is 17 years away from 1992. He's gonna have a long time trying to think of a logical answer to this random switch of time.

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