Waffle house love

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Case ends his stream after loosing his 6th uno game. Suddenly he burst into tears, he couldn't handle all the pressure that his viewers put on him. He hates his fans, they're always saying that they want to suck his toes and drink his sweat, or how he looks like a certain character which makes him insecure.

Finally when he was done sobbing, he struggled to get up from his chair. He grabbed his things and headed to Waffle House, his only safe space where he can be himself.

*time skip*

Case pulls on the doors, but they wouldn't open. He was confused until he read the "push, not pull" sign. He mumbled under his breath and pushed the doors open, taking his first step into the Waffle House. The workers immediately smelled his stanky ginger smell and knew it was him. They All shook in fear. He sat down at one of the tables and a waiter immediately ran over to him, they stuttered.
"W-what would y-you like sir"
He scoffed
"Yo, why are you stuttering?- whatever I'll get-"
He than proceeds to order what he always get
"R-right away sir..."
The waiter quickly ran away to the kitchen, the others already knew what he wanted and already started making it

The waiter brings his food out to him and placed it on his table
Case just stared at it, already knowing that this isn't what he ordered
"Alright buster, is this a joke? Because it's not a funny one. This isn't what I ordered"
"I-I'm so s-sorry sir! I-I must've mixed your order up!"
"Get. Me. Your. Manager"
"Y-yes sir"
She runs to get the manager
Case impatiently waited, growing even angrier with each passing minute
Finally the manager walks over to him
Case looks up and his heart skips a beat
The manager, was the hottest women he has ever laid his eyes on, literally like if you touched her you would get 3rd degree burns
She was extremely buff, and had long blonde hair, she had bright lipstick, blue eye shadow, and fake lashes. And she had the fattest gluteus ever.
Case felt like a weakling peasant beneath this wonderful goddess who of which was towering over him
"Hello sir, what seems to be the problem"
Her voice was extremely deep which made it better
Case stumbled over his words
"My O-o-order is w-wrong"
"I'm sorry to hear that sir, would you like a refund"
"N-no I- I- yes"
"Yes or no sir"
She handed him the amount of cash he paid for the meal
"Is this All? Do you need help with anything else"
"Yeah i need help with getting up after I fell for y- I MEAN NO NO IM FINE"
"Alright sir? Have a good night"
Than, his soulmate, the most beautiful women walked away, case quickly got up and stopped her, she turns around to look at him.
"Wait! Please don't leave..."
She looked at him with a confused look on her face
Case used his amazing rizz skills, got on one knee and pulled out a ring
"Will you marry me and lick my toes cleaned?"
The manager gasped and screamed yes over and over
She picked case up bridal style and carried him out of the Waffle House where they had  172 children

Suddenly, case wakes up in his bed. It was all a dream. The part where he went to Waffle House and met the manager was real, the rest wasn't.

He started to sob uncontrollably, why couldn't his life be perfect? A great man like himself shouldn't have to struggle getting women. Suddenly he heard a knock at his door. He quickly whipped his sissy tears away and went to greet whoever was at the door
It was the manager
He gasp in surprise, his jaw hitting the floor
Suddenly she grabs him
"Please. Let me suck your toes and eat your farts. I need you"
He was shocked, he pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming, he wasnt, this was real.
He nodded and she picked him up, and carried him to his bed where they cuddled

The end

Caseoh_ x Waffle House buff manager Where stories live. Discover now