002 || Meeting

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I open my eyes and see nothing other than darkness. I just stare into the black void. Listening to the wind outside my windows. I listen to the leaves flying around.

I sit up. 'I must have fallen asleep.' I look outside my window. 'That car is still here. How long have I been out? Has mother called me yet? What time is it?' My thoughts start to wander around and I suddenly feel how cold my room is. 'I must have forgotten to put the heater on.'

I stand up from my chair and walk around my dark room. It's 7.43pm. I open my wardrobe and chose a soft coat for over my dress. Everyone must be waiting for me downstairs. Whoever they may be.

Just as I was about to close the doors of my wardrobe, two knocks are heard on my door.
"My princess, your mother called you about 15 minutes ago. Are you done?" My personal guard asks. I stand still and my mouth opens but no sound can be heard. I blink a few times and more knocking fills my ears. I immediately clear my throat and come back to reality. "Ahem. Yes. Tell mother I will be down in a minute." I whisper-yell and I hear him walk away. When the footsteps can't be heard anymore, I open the door. My second guard isn't here. Must be on a break or something. Not that I care.

I walk through the halls untill I meet the big stair and I meet my mother's eyes by the downstairs by entrance. "Mi amour, baja un segundo. Tenemos invitados para ti." (My love, come down for a second. We have guests for you.) My mother says and I look at the other three people across of them. Two adults. One with pitch black hair and a sharp jawline. The other a woman with a pretty figure and a baby face. Two beautiful people. Then there's a boy who has his back turned to me when I finally get down from the stairs. He has raven black hair and a neat suit. For some reason he has a familiar presence.

"Honey, these people are the queen and king of the British Kingdom. The land we won the war from." My dad says smiling. The other man clears his throat and raises his eyebrow. "Won? That's not how went, is it my good sir?" He says with an British accent. My father just laughs awkwardly. Then I notice my little brother clinging on mother's leg. He looks scared. Well I can't blame him, he's only 6 after all. "Levi, go introduce yourself. Stop standing around with your back to us, son!" His father scolds him and then the boy turns around. Slowly but steady I see his face. A sharp jawline with soft cheeks and a serious expression. A good body built with a neat suit. Grey eyes. Raven black hair neatly cut. This man, I remember him. My eyes widen as I meet his. This man, the Prince. I almost stole his coffee!

"Well hello there, princess." His face changes into a warming smile. I can't tell if this is an act or not. Seems to be. But I don't know.
He grabs my hand and his soft fingers touches mine. He bows a little as he gently kisses my hand and his eyes land on mine again. I take a step forward. "Coffee stealer?" I whisper to him so our parents wouldn't hear. Not that they even noticed. They seemed to be discussing some important things. "Well well, seems like you remember me, don't you?" He only smirks as I shrug my hand away. "Don't tell me- Are you the Prince I need to marry?" I whisperp-yell and he laughs. "Ding ding ding!" I take a step back and he smiles. "You truly are beautiful." He smiles and takes a step forward, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer in the speed of light. I couldn't even react. Our parents notice the interactions and turn their heads at us.

"I have taken quite the liking of her, father." The Prince says. I wonder if he's lying. I feel his hand move down a little, right above my hips and my face flushes. I feel his minty breath on the back of my head and I look at my parents. They just grab eachothers arms and smile. "Seems like our hija has atleast one thing in common with her mother. Obedience." (Daughter) My father calls me out and I open my mouth to talk back when the woman, Levi's mother, interrupts me. "She is a beautiful young lady. When you turn 18 you'll marry my son. That's the deal." She smiles and tucks her gloves. I want to spit at them, but I can't. There royals. And so am I.
I shouldn't ruin my reputation on something so low.

Levi pinches my hips a little and jerk back, making a weird sound that makes me completely flustered.
"Hahaha. Seems that these two already get along." My father says and starts talking with my mother again. "You basterd." I whisper and slip out of his embrace. He chuckles like a maniac and crosses his arms. "We should get to know eachother better. Our marriage is only ten months away, isn't it?" He says, still with that creepy smile on his face. His silky raven black hair shines as the light falls on his head. His grey eyes light up and his soft lips open and close as he continues to talk nonsense. His appearance is truly magnificent. If he was a normal boy on the street, I would've easily married him. But this man, is something else. I don't like him. And I'm going to make it hell for him.

"My my, I'm sorry for my rudeness, young princess. My name is Amalia. This is my husband, Sebastian. Pleasure to meet you." Levi's mother named Amalia tells me while the butler leads us to the dining room. "Little late for introductions, isn't it, 'Amalia'." I mumble to myself. "Did you say something, dear?" Amalia asks and I force a smile. "Not at all, ma'am." I reassure her and we continue walking.

When we settle down, different kinds of food are represented. Italian, Spanish, English, Egyptian, Japaneese and more.
I take a little of everything and start to stuff my face. My mother clears her throat when she sees me eating like a horse. I'm only doing this to irritate them. Serves them right.
My little brother, who is seated on the left, giggles and starts doing the same. I see mother's eye twitch and father smiles awkwardly.

"Such a lady." Amalia says sarcastic and I only smile with my puffy cheeks. "Twank ou!" (Thank you) I say with my mouth full and still chewing. I would never embarrass myself like this, but in times like now, it's needy.

Then, the weirdest thing ever happens. Levi, who is seated on the right of me, is now doing exactly the same. Stuffing his face with food like a maniac and our parents start laughing at the sight. For the first time I feel embarrassed. I feel embarrassed because he's doing this to tease me. And I don't like it.

After dessert our father's go to his office to smoke and our mother's go to the living room for the wine. Mikaela is put to bed by the butler and that leaves only me and him.

"You can stop acting now." I say while rolling my eyes and I cross my arms. "Aww. Was it good enough?" He says teasing and I scoff at him in return. "Of all the stupid people, they matched me with the stupidest of all." I mumble and he raises an eyebrow.
"Be happy the war ended because of us. We only need to do one simple task. Marry. If you can't handle that, maybe your not cut to be leading a whole country, princess." He says smirking and my serious face snaps. "You- Vete a la mierda! Bastardo!" I swear at him in Spanish and he starts smirking. "Extraordinaria." He mumbles to himself and my eyes widen.
He can understand me?

"Well my princess. I will take my leave now. Rest assured, the comming 10 months we are going to spend every day together." He says smiling and leaves the dining room. I was left of with my jaw on the floor.

"What just happend-"

End of chapter two! I am very happy that some of you already started reading this book. I hope you enjoy it!
I also I wanted to remind everyone that I used Google translate. I'm sorry if I offended some people if it's wrong. My apologies.

- Mai

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