Part 1

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Readers POV

It's been a rough week for me juggling between my full time job and getting the right amount of rest and free time. I am always stressed and not really getting time for myself but this weekend I could finally rest because my Holiday is finally starting and the best part was, I am finally seeing my favorite singer this evening! I can't wait to see Loreen live for the first time it was like a dream come true.

I was nervously standing in front of my closet as I thought about what to wear, as if she would notice me in the crowd...
I shook my head, I am not the tallest, actually I am small and that's why I spent a lot of money to be as close as possible to the stage or I won't even be able to see her between all of those people.

Anyways...I picked a black skirt with a casual shirt on top that was fitting. It's summer and hot outside so I made sure I will not have to sweat a lot there plus all the screaming and singing along will make me feel hot anyways so why not at least choose something light to wear.

„(Y/N)! Are you done? You know the concert will start soon, I just wanted to remember you." I hear my mom yelling from the living room. I am a adult but still living with my parents. It's a easy way to save money and I never really minded it, I loved my parents. Plus they will drive me there so I will have the chance to at least drink something there plus I am too nervous to drive there alone. Yep I have a girl crush on Loreen and all I can think about is her in that moment so the focus on driving will be completely gone.

„Yes Mom! I am not a kid anymore I know how late it is." I say before leaving my room and see her all ready to drive me to the concert.

It didn't take long for us to arrive, my Mom giving me the ‚be good there' talk again before I leave our car, making me roll my eyes before I say bye. How long will it take her to understand that I am an adult? Maybe when I will finally have my own apartment...what am I even thinking? I will always be her little girl I could be 50 years old and she will still be the same.

I shrug my thoughts off before I finally enter the place, showing them my ticket and then getting myself a drink before I get into the crowd and get into one of the first lines where I am supposed to stay.

Finally they made the announcement that she will enter the stage and I couldn't help but scream along with the other fans when she finally appeared, her looking stunning as always wearing a black long dress.
The show started and I kept on singing along with the crowd and cheering, feeling a lot of happiness being here and seeing her in real life definitely was even better than I expected it to be, it wasn't disappointing at all, she gave us all a wonderful performance.

Now in the middle of singing Tattoo she made eye contact with me, making my heart skip a beat, how did she recognize me in that crowd? I could swear I saw a little golden spark in her eyes or maybe it was just the alcohol hitting me.

Anyways...the show continued and I enjoyed it fully until the end, it was a beautiful moment and I wished there was more but all good things also have to end and so I tried to make my way out of the crowd and finally get some space out of the crowded place.

It was dark already and I wanted to text my mom that she could come pick me up. As always I was walking with my phone in my hands, not noticing someone was here with me until I bumped into said person. „Ah sorry! I shouldn't look at my phone while walking." I said and looked up at the taller person, my eyes widen when I noticed it was Loreen.

„No need to apologize darling it can happen to anyone of us." She said with a sweet smile, her eyes pierced into my own as I notice their beautiful color and the little shining they have, making her look even more stunning.

„I-...what are you doing here? Aren't you worried people will see you and get to you? Where are your bodyguards?" Of course I was babbling something without thinking, just being confused since no famous person ever would walk there alone after their concert or it's just me being overly worried cause of my own anxiety.

„No I love talking with my fans. Also I am never walking far away from my team so don't worry about me love. I hope you enjoyed my show." She said and I immediately nodded my head, feeling like being in heaven that she was really talking to me. „Yes! Yes I loved it thank you for the amazing show." I answer her and while we were standing there chatting a little the clouds moved away, showing the full moon a little bit too well, making her have that golden spark in her eyes again, making me stare more at her in confusion and that she noticed, looking up at the sky before she made an excuse to leave. „I need to go now, maybe we will meet again." She added before turning around and leaving, I could see her in the distance, getting into her Limousine as they drove off.

Now I stood there in huge confusion, blinking as I try to process what just happened. „I hope we will meet again..." I say to myself, wishing she wouldn't have to go that quickly but I accepted it and finally called my mom to pick me up again.

It's time to go home and get sober again (Y/N)...

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