Part 24

204 13 14

Readers POV

I can't form any words of how sad I am seeing my lover in my arms like this. I couldn't stop crying until I suddenly feel a hand touching my cheek, when I open my eyes I saw Loreen looking at me with a weak expression, her smile was everything to me. „'re alive." I say before wiping my tears away, trying to calm down.

„Of course Darling...what do you think?" She said with a soft smile, making me feel all happy to see her being well, just exhausted as it seemed. I was worried she wouldn't make it but she did and it made me more than happy. „You better be alive...I don't know what I should do without you." I say before finally leaning in and kissing her.

The others happily cheered for us, Alessandra and the others shed a few tears as well as they were worried as well about their friend. Even Luke smiled.

Only one person didn't like it at all.

„No! NO! All my work for nothing! How can it be that you can still defeat me? I used all my powers to create this and- and you still managed to make me lose. Fuck...fuck you all!" The vampire got in full rage, being very mad at this whole situation but even she was exhausted and not able to fight anymore. When I looked over at her, La Zarra had tears in her eyes. She looked just done and to be honest I felt sad for her. I frowned as I saw her before Loreen stood up and so did I. Everyone came to us as we stood in front of La Zarra.

„You're not alone. We won't leave you alone if you just give love a try. That's what you're searching for aren't you? Family. We can be one. Just finally forget the pain we all went through. We can't change the past our parents did to us but we can form another future. You and Luke can be with us." Loreen said as she stepped closer to La Zarra. Me and the others watched the scene in front of us.

But the other woman shook her head as she slowly stepped back. „ you're lying. You even made Luke switch sides! I am all alone. You want us all dead once you get the opportunity to...I don't believe you stay away!" The vampire kept on stepping back before she tripped and was about to fall off the cliff.
Something snapped into my head when I saw it and Loreen seemed to think the same as we both rush over quick enough to grab La Zarra's arms, I managed to hold her right and Loreen her left arm so we both could keep her from falling. The vampire looking shocked at us.

„We won't let you die! Come up here. We want you to live just like all the others." I say as we kept holding her, Kaarija and Bojan rushing to us to help us bringing her up again.

„You...why did you do this?" La Zarra said as she sat there on the ground again, her heart must be pounding hard right now.

„As we're not our enemy anymore. The things you searched for are right here." Loreen said once again and La Zarra looked up at us all and then she finally broke down, tears running down the woman's cheeks as she kept on looking at everyone standing there around her including me.

„T-Thank you..."

And so that's again a sign that love and positivity can always win. Kindness will even make your worst enemy your friend. Not everyone is evil from the beginning, sometimes loneliness can change a person into a bitter one. They seem evil but all they want is attention and to be loved.
Vampire's and Werewolves always had their fights, a literal war going on. But they wouldn't be any better if they kept the war going on like their ancestors did.

Loreen always had kind heart, she never wanted to kept the tradition of hating vampire's and doing everything to destroy them. She always believed in the good thing, saving someone's dark heart like she did with La Zarra. Of course she wouldn't get this far without her friends and (Y/N) maybe the rage she felt for her lover being controlled by the evil was exactly the thing she needed to unleash the old god's power, using it for good.

It's been a few days after the incident and the house even got more alive and louder with their two new roommates. After the fight Alessandra made sure to heal everyone and make them fit again and the more time passed La Zarra turned out to be a very funny and fashionable woman, always being fun to hang out with and helping Loreen to chose outfits for her next show.
Kaarija and Bojan got with Luke a male bestie. Everything was so peaceful and happy, something the vampire secretly wished for all the time and now all the hate and rage for the wolves vanished. Seeing how kind and funny it was, the vampires quickly changed their mind about werewolves, they learned to love each other.

Readers POV

It was Sunday. A quiet morning, only the sun waking me up and made me turn to find the spot beside me empty, frowning since I missed Loreen already, where did she went?

I threw the blanket over my head and let out a little groan, followed by a yawn. She has no schedules today so where did she went?

Suddenly the door opened and a bubbly happy person entered it, it couldn't be anyone else but Alessandra- of course. „GOOD MORNING (Y/N)!! Come on! Get out of bed and hurry into the garden! There is something prepared!" She jumped on the bed and shook me, making my brain feel all dizzy, why does she have to be so energetic?

„Ahh...stop I am going to get up." I say with a chuckle, getting out of bed and heading to the closet. I am already here for a long time so me and Loreen were sharing a closet until I get my own one...or need one since I am going to get more clothes. I choose something casual, short pants and a top, enough for being at home. Alessandra gave me that weird grin that couldn't stop me from laughing. „What??" I ask her with a chuckle but she just shook her head and grabbed my hand to lead me out the room and downstairs to the garden.

They prepared a whole breakfast, making my eyes widen in shock as I see all of that. It was even beautifully decorated. „Wow! Why didn't you wake me? I could have helped you." I said but everyone just smiled at me.

„Why? You have a french person now here, I do know how to make breakfast, the perfect and most romantic one." La Zarra said with a chuckle and I just agreed with her before taking a seat beside Loreen. La Zarra indeed knew how to make good breakfast. There were a lot of things from sweet stuff to salty stuff. And I swear I never got so full like I did today.

„(Y/N)? I think it's time. Come with me." Loreen said out of nowhere, taking my hand as she lead me a little bit away from the table standing in front of me as she held both of my hands, blushing as I look up into her eyes.
I can feel the others looking at us as well all the time with bright smiles on their face but all I was focusing on now was Loreen.

She took a deep breath before she went on, caressing my hands with her thumbs. „You're my everything. I love you and learned to love you even more the more we spent time together. We went through so much together and I just-...I want you to be with me the rest of my life."
My heart was pounding so hard right now as she said that, having to hold my tears back as I saw her slowly getting on her knees before getting out a little box, showing me a beautiful ring. „Do you...want to be my wife?..." She said as she looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes, making me nod and finally cry out of happiness as I couldn't hold it back anymore. „YES! Yes of course!" I say and let her put the ring on my finger before she stood up and hugged me tightly, kissing me so deeply with so much love and everyone cheered for us.

It's like my dream came true. I am going to marry the woman I love and always adored since from the beginning. I went from a small fan who thought she would never know about my existence to soon her wife.


Little message from that Fanfic.
Believe in the good, never use hate against others and follow your dreams ❤️

Also: How did you like the Fanfic? Should I do another Loreen x fem Reader fanfic? I am actually hyped to do another story. There just needs to be more Fanfics about her ❤️🤌🏼

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