Chapter 14

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In the morning, the radio alarm wakes us from sleep.

— Hello, my sweet boyfriend, Stephanie tells me with a big smile. I slept really well. What a massage! I really didn't expect this.  

— I'm glad you like it, I thought I'd screw it up.

— I thought you were going to last five minutes before you wanted sex, but you held on. Are you able to control yourself now?  

— Under certain circumstances, maybe.

— Anyway, you controlled yourself for two months. You are amazing! We all wonder how you managed to survive. Why didn't you rape me? You should have slapped me for my tortures...

— What? No, I can't...

— I know, that's why you are the best of all the boyfriends in the world. I can't tell, I have only one, but all my friends confirm. I love you!

She places herself on top of me and kisses me again.

— Did I ever tell you that I love sex in the morning?  

— Is there a time when you don't like sex?

— I will use your magic tongue! It will stop your sarcasms!

Afterwards, she lies on me and doesn't want to move.

— I don't really want to get up today.

— It happens to you more and more, doesn't it?

— It's your fault, if you didn't make love to me so well, I wouldn't want to always be in bed with you.

— Well, be in bed, I'm going to stats class.

— And you think I want to be in bed all by myself? Help me to get up!   

It was another trick to get me to fall into bed. Who said that girls don't like to have sex and used the excuse of a headache? 

We are late for the stats exercises class. Today is St-Verhaegen. The students at the free universities make a big parade in Brussels. For the past week, we have seen them on every street corner and at the outlets of supermarkets asking for money to party. I saw someone on the roads this weekend. After class, several people come to ask me to accompany them to Brussels. I am tempted, but I prefer to go for Saint-Nicolas, the parade of the catholic universities' students. I just wanted to see my friends who went to study in Brussels, but anyway, how to find them in a procession of thousands of people? 

So, after class, we go home straight away. Annick and Sandrine don't come with us. Why am I always outside the decision process? Am I just a good cocker wagging his tail when his mistress pets him? No. Stephanie would never do that to me, at least not intentionally.

— You know, I also had a surprise for you. It will be for tonight.

And so, she prevents me from going out. I can't stop thinking about her, and then I have a boner, that can't soften. It's not comfortable in the class or in the street, or even in the apartment with her, she knows it and does everything necessary to maintain it.

— Remove your shirt to prepare the lunch, she instructs me. I am considering you today, I don't demand you remove everything just be topless!

We're going to play tennis. She put on jogging pants because of the cold.

— You don't want to take a risk, do you? You are afraid I jump on you and won't play.

— Frederic, it's cold outside, but if I don't want, you won't jump on me, only if I let you. So, I am never afraid with you, and it's a compliment.

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