Part 14

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(continuing from last chapter ofc :) )

Y/N Pov

You headed into the house, humming softly as you closed the door behind you, your eyes looked around as you took in the smell, it was a musty like smell yet it was somewhat comforting. You looked around not noticing anyone around. "Bobby?" You called out just as a couple of footsteps made there way from the other room. Bobby smiled at you as he lead you into the library/ work room where Sam was sat doing something on his laptop, Bobby held your shoulders as he gently pushed you onto the couch, You laughed softly and smiled before fiddling with the rings on your hand "It's different here.. more unique.. I love it here" You smiled as Bobby stood proudly with a proud grin "I'm glad you think so kiddo, Dean will tell you otherwise but it's not so bad when your use to living here" He smiled and sat back down at his table sipping from his glass of whiskey. 

You hummed softly continuing to look around while you stayed seated on the couch, your eyes glanced over at Sam with a small smile, you took in the younger Winchester's attire and hummed softly. He was exactly like Dean of course they had their differences like taste in music, clothing style you get it. But you soon realized how much Sam had looked up to Dean and you could just tell.  A few moments go by as your stomach began to grumble, Bobby raised his head from his book as he set it down. "If you were hungry kid you should have said something! come on!" Bobby pulled you up as you noticed Sam had grabbed his jacket, You blushed slightly feeling flustered not really wanting to make such a big deal out of your stomach rumbling. Bobby headed out to the auto repair shop and banged his hand on top of the car which made Dean scream. You couldn't help but burst into laughter, Sam obviously joining as Bobby chuckled. Dean rolled out from under the car as he glanced at you all "So not funny.." Dean grumbled as Bobby ruffled his hair "You scream like a girl son.." Bobby commented in which Dean shot him a look before he grumbled a sarcastic 'thank you'.

Dean set the rag down and strolled over to you as he pulled you in by your waist, you blushed softly as you looked up at him, he leaned down as he pressed his lips gently against yours, you smile softly as you gave him a small kiss back just as Bobby cleared his throat. "We're going to the dinner for food, just lock the garage up quickly son." Bobby told Dean as him and Sam got into the Impala. You looked back up at Dean and smiled. "can I call shotgun?" You asked softly, obviously it was okay if he denied you, you didn't mind. Dean's eyes glanced towards his car and hummed noticing Bobby and Sam sat in the back so you could sit beside Dean. "Of course sweetheart" He smiled and you nodded, your turned away and began to head towards the car before Dean grinned and gently slapped your ass. You gasped softly and turned around pointing your finger at him "I don't think so mister. behave" You scolded him playfully as he shot you a wink. You blush softly and roll your eyes playfully before carefully sliding into the passenger seat of the impala.

Dean had locked up as quick as he could as he removed his mechanic outfit, revealing his beat up blue jeans and his black tight shirt, he grabbed his jacket off the side and slid into the drivers side of the car, he fixed his rear view mirror smiling over at you before he started baby up and began to drive you all to the dinner. Once you arrived, Dean parked the car up carefully as Sam and Bobby got out first, Sam had slammed the car door a little too loud for Deans liking which made Dean walk behind Sam and flick his ear. "Hey! ow!" Sam whined as Dean huffed "You slammed baby's door too loud! you gotta treat her like a lady Sam!" Sam rolled his eyes and caught up with Bobby, You raised your brows as you watched the scene unfold. non the less you shook your head and latched onto Dean's arm as you headed inside.

You made your way to the both where Sam and Bobby were before you slipped into your seat, resting your arms on the table, Dean leaned back in his eat beside you as he snaked his arm around your waist giving it a small squeeze, You couldn't help but blush as you quickly grabbed a menu looking for something to eat. Once you all figured out what you wanted, the waitress came over and took your orders you couldn't help but notice the wink she shot at Dean. Your head fell in sadness and disappointment as Dean leaned over kissing the top of your ear "Don't be sad baby girl.. your mine and I'm yours, screw that bitch" he whispered softly making you smile and giggle. You looked up at him lovingly as he pressed a small kiss to your lips knowing that Bobby and Sam were watching. You smiled over at them as the waitress set your food onto the table, You noticed Sam had a salad, Bobby had a burger as did Dean, You looked down and smiled at Your own burger and fries. The waitress left and you all began to eat. 

You picked up a fry and leaned up pressing it against Dean's lips "Open up" You grinned as he glanced down at you, he opened his mouth ever so slightly and took the fry right out of your hand, You smiled happily and kissed his cheek before you went back to eating. Most of the time you all had spent time learning more about each other and telling random stories. When you finished your meal you leaned over to take a sip of your milkshake but not before dean added his straw into it you glanced up at him and whined softly pulling away. "That's my milkshake" You pouted softly, Dean chuckled as he dipped his finger into the beverage and dotted it right onto your nose which made you pout even more. Dean smiled as he leaned down kissing the tip of your nose to remove the milkshake dot he had created. Bobby cleared his throat before you and Dean quickly looked back at him. "alright lovebirds sure your cute an all but were in public" Bobby chuckled as your and Dean's face both went red which earned a small laugh from Sam.

Once Bobby paid you all headed back out to the car, you slipped back into shotgun as Dean rested his hand on your thigh this time around, You smiled up at him loving his touch as he drove you all back to Bobby's house. Once he pulled up Sam and Bobby headed inside as Dean pulled you closer as he shut the engine off. "Thought we could just sit in here for a little you know?" He whispered softly as he leaned down kissing your lips, you hummed and leaned into his touch as you kissed him back softly. "Of course" You smiled as you looked around the car slightly.

Dean had spent a few hours telling you all about the stories this car owned, like how his father got it, and how they went on road trips and such. You were glad he was opening up a little more but of course you would never rush him it all happens in good time. Dean lead you inside the house and upstairs, you were walking to your room before he pulled you into his room closing the door behind you. You looked up at him and smile "Dean Bobby is gonna kill us if he see's us in the same bedroom you doofus." Dean grinned and shrugged "Why? because all we're gonna do is cuddle and sleep anyway princess" He chuckled and flopped onto his bed as he held open his arms for you, You smiled softly and jumped into his arms as he kissed the top of your head "Goodnight princess." He whispered softly as you hummed "Goodnight Deanie.." You replied back before you both fell asleep in each others arms. 

// I hope you enjoyed! Thank you all so much for the support on this book it makes me very happy! Thank you for reading! Please vote! :)

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