PART 2 - "Love is all you need to turn your life around."

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You and Emery walk down the massive halls of your college, bustling with life even at 7 am- especially at 7 am. It was always go-getters and overachievers and people who just didn't want to sit in the front row moving around. Oh, and random people who snuck into the college, because it happens a-lot more than you think.
As you were nearing the room where class was supposed to be, Emery whispers to you. "Nahh trust me. She's a really cool teacher. And she's supposed to be like-hella chill, I promise."

You sigh and shrug as the two of you pause in front of a large black double-door with a metal push-bar that leads into a lecture hall. A piece of copy paper with a message in slightly bad handwriting read, 'THEATRE ROOM ONLY- NOT IN USE FOR 2 HOURS' in black sharpie. It was taped on all four corners with clear tape and sat directly in the middle of the door. You squint at the words, reading carefully then look down. You wrinkle your nose at the many greasy finger prints smudging the stainless steel. 'Eugh.. not touching that.' While shuddering, you turn around and use your back to push open the door.

There were only 8 people in the room. 10 if you included you and Emery. It was like watching idle NPC's until you interact with them.. each person doing absolutely nothing in a different way; one guy leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and his head down, another girl walking in slow-paced circles around the stage, not saying a word. Your eyes scanned the room bit-by-bit, from person to person, until your gaze landed upon one girl in particular sitting in the corner against the wall. She had the biggest geeky smile on her face.

But what for? What was she smiling at? Ain't nothing happening

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But what for? What was she smiling at? Ain't nothing happening.. these people were all cooky, you were tempted to leave. Actually..? screw it. Pausing in your walk, you shook your head and spun around. Emery grabbed your shoulder and turns you back around, "Stop it. Just give it a chance Y/N." They scold you in a hushed whisper, moving and standing behind you to keep you from leaving. The passageway was too narrow to walk around Emery without bumping into the rows of chairs. You sigh lightly and try not to show emotions. 'Alright.. its just one day. I don't have to come back.' You sulk as you descend down the stairs with your head down, now nearing the stage.

The girl who was smiling suddenly stopped, her head turned slowly, she looks at you. It made your spine crawl. You took a seat in the front row, crossing one leg over the other. 'Girl stop staring.. Damn!' You glared at your nails, then took a deep breath. On the outside you kept a calm, cool composure and a blank face, trying to act nonchalant as if the stranger burning a hole in the side of your head with her eyes wasn't bothering you, but it was.

Nothing, made you more anxious than a random bitch staring at you.

Moments pass. Nothing but silence, idle animation of the 8 other people, and your buzzing innermost thoughts. 'Lorddd PLEASE kill me now. Sink me into a HOLE and have it swallow me up! Let me turn invisible for god's sake—anything!' You close your eyes. 'Happy place... happy place.'

{ Flashback 02 }

You and Emery at the beach, about 2 months ago. The skies were blue, the air was humid. You weren't wearing a bikini outright, too shy for that, just a large white waterproof t-shirt and black shorts that stopped above your knees. But the bikini was underneath, kinda like underwear.

You feel a slap on your shoulder and suddenly sand is in your bra. You squealed and chased Emery to the shore, pushing them into the cold water. They laugh and pull you down, a large splash of freezing ocean water drenching your hair. You gasp and shiver, then dramatically sighed in relief. It actually felt so good against your skin, which had been hot to the touch. The glaring heat of the sun had tanned you like a chicken. You giggled as you splash each other with-

{ End of flashback 02 }

"Alrighty class. Staand up please. And if you're already standing, then sit down, and stand again!" A relaxing, soft female voice knocked you out of a daydream. A small flurry of laughter filled the quiet space, followed by sounds of clothing shuffling and items being tossed down onto- or into an object.

You blink a couple times, exhaling harshly through flaring nostrils. Everyone had gathered around the stage leaving a couple inches between each person for leg room. How did that happen? You were the only person not on stage.

And now everyone was looking at you.

"Uh.." you start, blinking rapidly again as you awkwardly half-laugh and get up from your seat. Your hands fly all around your face while mumbling and rambling incoherently to yourself, trying to say, "Oh! Sorry for dozing off.. I just didn't get enough sleep last night." but you actually said,

"Oh sorry- sleep- I didn't.. im staring- um.. i dont like.. uhh.. i don't know, I'm sorry-? I'm here! ...sorry." God. Did you say sorry enough in that sentence?

Emery shot you a smirk, then shook her head. Nobody laughed, except for the girl who you will now call 'geeky weirdo'.  She breaks the circle, walking down to the edge of the stage immediately crouching down, and over she goes. Landing with a small thud, all eyes follow her as she walks up to you. Geeky weirdo cups her left against her hip, right arm extended to you, palm open and facing the ceiling.

"Heyy straggler! C'mon. Take it." She smiled and wiggled her right hand's fingers, head tilting at a 90 degree angle. She was tall, way taller than you. Around 5'10. You weren't that short, just a measly 5'7, but the slight difference was noticeable.

You stared down at her hand, breathing slowly and deeply. Nobody else but Emery knew you were bisexual. You weren't expecting this weird girl to be so... beautiful.

A frown formed on her face, and pretty it was.
Up close, you could see hints of tan freckles on her honey beige skin. Slightly chubby cheeks, a flat nubian nose with a downturned tip. Her thin, pink heart-shaped lips looked so perfectly moistened, perfect for kissing. Hazel eyes just like Emery.. But hers were different. Her eyes were kind and warm. Before, you got mad at her looking at you.. but you didnt mind now. There was a certain warmth to her gaze that made you want to stare at her.. forever; like a piece of art. Another difference. Unlike Emery, her eyes were more chocolate brown than green. Infact! You could hardly see it unless you were super close. Which you were.

"Oh, germaphobe?" She cautiously asked while she slowly began to withdraw her hand. "Oop. Sorryy.. Just- follow me then, yeah? I'm Zendaya, the leader of the class. And all I want, is for you to feel comfortable. Okay?" She squinted as she smiled and claps her hands together, making an awkward expression with a pull of her mouth at a downward angle. "Ee! Haha anyway. Soo, what's your name?"

So this is Zendaya...

You quickly look her up and down and shrug, trying to act all normally. "Oh? It's Y/N. Nice to meet you Miss Ze-"

"NO! Noo, no no—nonsense!" She dismisses you with a wave of her hand, face pulled into this mean-mug expression. God lee, this girl was really expressive. "Mm-mm. None of that. I know I'm your teacherr, but.. just call me Daya, okay? It's what all my friends call me. And we're not friends—cause we just met..aha—but you know? It would uhhmm.. make me feel a little bit more than weird to have you call me miss, when we're like the same age, you know? AHA- alright, lets get on stage." She said all in one breath. And you bet your ass her hands were moving all throughout sporadically, just like you do.

"Uhh-" You reply, feeling your own eyes narrow into a judgmental squint-stare. One of confusion at that.

"No time for uh's! Move forth!" She grinned and clapped her hands, saying that last bit in a cockney british accent.

Now that you two we're on stage, it was time for class to begin.

Zendaya stood next to you, and you hadn't noticed this before, but she smelled downright amazing. Some kind of..? Floral jasmine, spicy intoxicating musk, rose and sweet vanilla with fruity undertones. You wanted to plunge face first into her hoodie and inhale like a crack-addict.

"Okay! Here comes.. the very first exercise!" Zendaya exclaims as everyone forms a wide circle again. She clasps her hands together and places them behind her back. She cracks a smile, now swaying from heel to toe in place.

"I want.. everyone to.. pick a partner! Aaand, we're going to practice the first thing about theatre. Confidence!"

(pause editing here—)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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