First Meeting

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The story with Lily, a resplendent young woman, entering a grand mansion, wearing a simple yet refined gown. Her eyes light up in amazement as she takes in the magnificence that envelops her. Her father has sold her to a well-to-do man's son, and she is expected to conduct herself in a manner suitable for the circumstances.

As Lily is escorted to her chambers by a butler, her path crosses with that of the young master, Ethan, who appears to be of the same age. Ethan casts his glance over her before briskly turning around without uttering a single word. However, Lily notices a glimmer in his eyes, prompting her to brace herself for whatever is to transpire.

As Lily begins to sweep Ethan's chamber, the young master enters the room unexpectedly. He eyes her disdainfully and comments on the inadequacy of her cleaning. He kicks over the bucket of water, creating a mess and ordering Lily to clean it up. Despite her diligence and dedication, Ethan deems her work subparb.

Lily walks to the kitchen where the other servants jest and ridicule her, using derogatory terms. She remains unfazed and continues to perform her tasks diligently, provoking even further the servile disdain of her peers. Ethan observes her demeanor from a distance.
One of the female servants, Beth, approaches Lily and informs her that she has been assigned to prepare Ethan's bath, insinuating the serious ramifications of failure. Lily, unbeknownst to her, complies with Beth's instructions, hoping to gain acceptance from her superiors.
After Lily finishes preparing the bath, she remembers to inform Ethan of its completion. To her dismay, Ethan is too engrossed in his activities with friends to spare her a second thought. Meanwhile, Beth who has assumed command of the situation tells Ethan that Lily failed miserably in carrying out the task. Ethan flies into a rage and orders Lily to clean the entire bathroom.

One fateful night while Ethan returns home inebriated, Lily is tidying up his room. He peers at her in a peculiarly aberrant manner, his eyes gleaming with an inscrutable desire. Lily attempts to leave, but Ethan overtakes and pins her to the ground.
The next day, Lily awakens, her body sore and bewildered by the circumstances of the previous night. She struggles to recall the events but remains aware of the altered connection between her and Ethan. She ponders whether this will bring about positive or detrimental outcomes.

To be continued...

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