Going psycho

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Right after the kidnapping

Izuku tied up Ms hero and told Kure to get him the blood stain duffel bag as he set up the cameras he need but he made sure the it will be coming form multiple locations so he can't be tracked down as he heard two things drop on his table he see two duffel bags

Izuku grabbed the one he needed and handed the other one back to her he started the stream people only seeing this

Izuku grabbed the one he needed and handed the other one back to her he started the stream people only seeing this

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Izuku: hello you may call me Jack

He moved out of the way to show Ms hero who is actually midnight the r rated hero

Izuku: now Ms hero kindly tell them what "good" deeds you have done to the innocent

She didn't speak Izuku grabs her head and straps a thing to her finger and a metal bowl on her head it had as wire was in the view as it was connected to a big cable

Izuku: ok let play a little game it called tell the truth or fucking die

Midnight: I didn't do anything wrong.../ she suddenly screamed in pain

Izuku: oh and if you don't mind I'll turn up the voltage each time you lie ok? Now did you have sex with underage kids?

She didn't saw he grabbed a knife and stabbed her leg

Izuku: answer the fucking question Ms hero?

Midnight: y-yes / she lowered her head

Izuku: next did you wrongly accuse Izuku

Midnight: yes


Midnight because uncomfortable at the question as she was sweating / and if you are asking why can't we see the citizens reactions? Because what the point since he revealing thing about her


Midnight:YES I DID I-I-I / she started to cry

He hit her over the head as blood splattered on the camera he wrote who he was going after next he wiped off the blood and what he wrote down Inko midoriya as the hero went to her apartment with her freaking out

Izuku went to UA as his real target was nezu as he hold a box with something in it

He was right behind him he grabbed him by his little head

Izuku: hello~ nezu

Nezu: but wha

Izuku: here the deal I'll give you two options release the information about all the horrible things UA has done or I'll test your will

Nezu: I will never ruin my own students career

Izuku: funny because I remember you doing exactly that but ok

He knocked everything off and placed the box he opened it to show a angry cat that looked feral

Izuku: you sure you want this?


Izuku: I'll take that as a yes

He placed nezu in the box as the cat attack him Izuku picked him up before he could get hurt for the next few hours he did this intel he got bored of it

Izuku: I'll be leaving and I'll be seeing you in your nightmares nezu

He left nezu was traumatized shaking as he nibbles on his secret stash of cheese and his ptsd tea

Izuku went out and felt bored went on top of a building as a purple mist appeared behind him and it was the butler

Kurogiri: I have came here to asked if you would like to join the L.O.V

Izuku: sure....

They were teleport to a bar Izuku looked around seeing some of the villains

Izuku: so how does this work?

Shiggy: we start we a interview

So each member asked him a question or two when he said he was quirkless they were shocked as they signed him to overhaul crew / in my AU no one was able to beat overhaul because they got rid of deku to early so no one saved eri

He got their and was given the information he needed to know

So a few days go by and Izuku plan is ready he got his guns and a red bullet and she over haul and shoot him in the head as he took care of the other guys he got all of them he went though the base killing anyone who trouble him when he found Eri he got her out of their and told Kure to pick her up he has one more thing to do

So a two hours later he was done his hands were bloody and had neon yellow paint on them too

He got to the hide out and turned on the news as a reporter was trying to not stumble over her own words as the camera man showed what Izuku did

As every yakuza member body was spelt out who is next and their bodies were bent in unnatural ways he smiled and saw Kure feeding Eri some soup
I hope you enjoy

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