Chapter Eleven

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"You guys have a nice place." Helium looked around. Jenny and Slate could hear everything she was saying through her earpiece. Silver had some kind of device blocking the video signals from the miniature camera attached to her top, but the audio was still transmitting flawlessly.

Ever the expert on emotions, Silver responded with his wealth of empathy. "The lab is this way."

Frank rolled his eyes at Silver. He turned back to Helium. "You can stop by anytime. Trust me, this isn't even the nicest part." He raised a suggestive eyebrow.

Silver led Frank and Helium to the lab. Somehow, the wrecked weapons on the walls had all been replaced. The new ones gleamed in the purple lighting from the lab. It was like some sick parody of the lights in Helium's streaming room. She took an involuntary step away from the door the second she saw it all. Reminding herself of her mission, she forced her legs to carry her into the room.

As she entered, she saw Silver slip his phone back into his pocket. "I have something to deal with. We'll have to start later." He pushed past Helium and left the room.

Helium couldn't believe her luck. The ice of Silver's presence faded into nothing, leaving her alone with Frank.

He shrugged, like this kind of behaviour was commonplace. Then he took her to the kitchen. A glass of whiskey was held out to her before she knew it, "courtesy of Silver". She accepted. Despite the fact that the afternoon was just coming to an end and she had a mission she really should stay sober for, she wanted a drink. A few sips in, the alcohol was already causing her face to flush. She had always been a lightweight.

Frank filled his own glass with bartender-like flourish. Helium would have downed the rest of her drink, but knew that she had to take advantage of Silver's absence.

"That Silver guy has a bit of a reputation. I'm surprised he's working on something so innocent." Helium swished the whiskey around in her glass. She decided against subtlety. "And I'm surprised you're working with him. I've heard about you. I really didn't think this was your vibe."

"What else have you heard? There are plenty of rumours about me. Some of them are truer than others."

"Well, I've heard that you have a really, really big," she winked at him, "moral compass. That's why I agreed to this project in the first place."

He grinned. She felt his flirtatious energy melt into something more playful, like he was finally realising that she was just going along with it for fun. He took another sip before saying, "Trust me, if I had other options, I would be using them. But I think this project has potential. Don't worry, I can keep him in line."

"Well, you might actually have another option. I'm working with some people who are changing the world too, except they aren't ... you know, mafia bosses renowned for their cruelty. I get that Silver's powers are important for this serum, but I'm sure there are other solutions."

"Thanks, but I really think this is the best option. If your people are anything like you, I'm sure they're doing great stuff too. Maybe in the future we'll get some work done together again."

"I respect your stance. I just don't understand how you can support this man. He's done some awful stuff. If you think this time it'll be different, you–"

"You think I haven't considered that? I get it. This is a risk. But it could do so much good for the world, it's selfish not to at least try." It sounded like Frank was desperately trying to convince someone that he was right. Helium couldn't tell if that person was her or himself. And was she just imagining things, or had the room gotten hotter?

"It could do good. Or he could use the serum to turn elementals into power-producing factories that never see the light of day again. I'm not questioning your motives. I'm telling you to think about his." Helium downed the last of her whiskey. Her glass hit the table with a dull thud.

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