Chapter One

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Finally, I was at college, and with my best friends too. It was nice to finally have some peace after everything that happens last year, but for some reason I knew something was going to happen.

Tara Carpenter and I had only just started our walk to the Halloween frat party being held at the Omega Kappa Beta dorm, when we ran into Jason Carvey, a boy in our film studies class. Tara stopped for a second to spark up a conversation with him about the party.

In complete honesty I had always gotten an awful, chilling vibe from him. I think it was always the way he would look at her, like she was a piece of meat. But, not in a sexual way. I'd seen too many guys look at her like that before, no, this was different.

While I was stuck in my thoughts, Tara had finished her small talk with Jason and was pulling on my arm to move. I was slightly taller than Tara and I always had been.

Tara and I had first became friends in 7th grade. I had been her best friend until she met Amber in high school. I was quick to be replaced, but she always stuck to my side when Amber wasn't dragging all her attention.

"C'mon Elike, I want to get to at least a little drunk incase Sam shows up!"

"Ok, ok. But not too drunk, right Tara?" I responded. She just rolled her eyes before dragging me the last few blocks to the frat house the party was being held at.

When we arrived we were immediately met with the smell of alcohol and sex. There were college students making out around every corner, I have to be honest all the costumes were really freaking me out. I mean it was just last year my friend group was all attacked by Sam's boyfriend Richie Kirsch and Amber Freeman. I had lost one of my best friends. And of course just as I was thinking about it, I saw someone in a Ghostface mask.

"Tara, are we sure we should be here?"

I think she could tell how nervous I was. Tara always cared about me more than anyone, but I know how much this party meant to her.

"Hey, it's ok. We'll be fine, I promise."

Tara attempted to reassure me as I kept a wary eye out for anyone getting too close for comfort. Well at least looking for anyone getting too close to Tara. I didn't care what happened to me, I just need her to be safe.

I had felt the same thing last year when...When I found Wes and his mom. He was the one who stuck with me after Tara started hanging out with Amber more. I knew he had a crush on me, but even after much convincing from my friends I still couldn't bring myself to like him. He just wasn't what I needed, sure I loved him but only as a friend.

There had been someone else anyway, but she'd never like me like that. As Tara dragged me farther into the party, we said 'hi' to Mindy and her girlfriend, Anika. She was so sweet and would always listen to any random ideas I had. Same with Mindy, we used to spend hours watching horror movies together until the Woodsboro killings.

Of course the first thing Tara did was run to the drinks, which upon arrival appeared to be empty. Our suspicions were confirmed when a tall boy, about twenty-something approached us.

"Sorry, last one's kicked. We've got some hard stuff in the kitchen though."

Oh shit.

"Absolutely no-."

"Lead the way." Tara nudged me with her arm before cutting me off. Shit. I can't believe this was actually happening. Some creep was leading Tara over to a table of just straight up vodka. All I could do was roll my eyes at the almost balding frat boy's attempt to flirt.

"I'm Frankie by the way."

"Tara." She responded shaking hands with the stubby, gel-haired giraffe.

"And who are you, hottie?"

"Excuse me?" What the fuck did he just say to me?

"Well, I mean you're pretty hot. You and Tara both. How 'bout we head upstairs? All three of us?"

Ok too far buddy. You aren't just messing with me now but with Tara. And messing with Tara means fucking war.

"Isn't it dangerous to use your whole vocabulary in one sentence?"

Apparently Franklin or whatever his name was doesn't like girls with sass. As instead of continuing with whatever that was with me he turned back to Tara.

"So, wanna head upstairs?"

Well, here we fucking go.

Hey y'all it's ur girl here. I had random inspiration to write this and I will be continuing Her Weakness soon. I had a ton of finals to study for and now that school is over I can focus on writing...after volleyball camp and the musical program I'm doing. Lol if you see any mistakes please inform me  and don't be silent readers <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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