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Vance hates bruce. Bruce yamada, the smartest in their class. For vance, bruce always got a perfect grades, perfect family, and a perfect... Face. He hated him with every piece of his being, for him he was a shit, a nerd, a dickhead, a loser. All of the insults, name you could think of. There's really no clear answer why vance hates him, he just do. And i think him being better than vance is one of those reasons. His mere presence sets him off, it's like everytime he sees him he wants to set him on fire. Sometimes, he just wants to take Bruce's baseball bat and swing it onto his head. Yes, he hates him so much. He hates his stupid hair, his stupid eyes, his stupid voice, his stupid personality, his stupid smile, his stupid everything.

Vance strolled through his town, hands in his pockets. As he roamed, he stumbled upon the baseball field where Bruce's team was practicing. Intrigued, Vance paused to survey the area. The scene puzzled him as it appeared devoid of any human presence.

Just as Vance turned around, a baseball smacked him on the back of his head, prompting an angry outburst. With frustration evident, he instinctively touched the back of his head. His gaze shifted towards the source of the blow, and his expression hardened, revealing his readiness to retaliate.

Vance shifted his attention and spotted Bruce rushing toward him. Filled with rage, he exclaimed, "You bitch!" His fist clenched tightly, poised to strike. Without giving Bruce a chance to respond, Vance swiftly delivered a punch to his face, causing Bruce to collapse unconscious.

The following day, Bruce awakened to find a black eye and attended school with a bandage over it. As soon as he entered the premises, all eyes turned towards him.

While having lunch, Vance peacefully enjoyed his meal at his table. Bruce, filled with anger, slammed his tray onto the adjacent table where Vance was sitting.

"Why did you punch me? I was about to apologize." Bruce angrily exclaimed while pointing at his bandage. Vance appeared indifferent and simply stared at Bruce.

"I don't accept apologies" Vance stated seriously.

"Fuck you." Bruce retorted.

"Fuck me? Now or later?" Vance teasingly said, leaving Bruce speechless and unsure how to respond.

Bruce left Vance without a word after their heated exchange. As Bruce walked away, Vance couldn't help but scoff, feeling a mix of frustration and regret.

Meanwhile, at the arcade, Vance was fully engrossed in his favorite game, his face tense with concentration. His hands moved swiftly, causing the entire stand to tremble with each of his rapid maneuvers.

Out of nowhere, Bruce appeared and leaned on the arcade, interrupting Vance's focus. Startled, Vance lost his concentration and ended up losing the game.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed, slamming his hand on the arcade machine in frustration. Bruce just scoffed in response.

"You're such a bitch!" Vance shouted angrily at Bruce.

Bruce merely chuckled in response.

"One more word, and you'll have a matching black eye" Vance threatened, pointing at Bruce to silence him.

"You know what? I don't want to see you following me again. I don't want you anywhere near me, you disgusting shit!" Vance added. Bruce's face turned sad and offended, and Vance immediately noticed the change in his expression, prompting him to calm down.

Without uttering a word, Bruce left the place. A wave of guilt washed over Vance, something he hadn't experienced before. He's unsure why'd he felt this, Guilt wasn't a familiar emotion for him; anger and hatred had dominated his emotional landscape until now.

Vance dismissed the thought and proceeded with his game, disregarding it completely.

While heading home, Vance noticed Bruce across the street engrossed in a book.

"Hey, dipshit!" Vance called out, flipping him off. Bruce glanced at him briefly and then averted his gaze.

The next day in class, Bruce was focused on taking notes when he sensed someone's presence beside him.

"Nerd" Vance taunted, but Bruce simply ignored him and continued working.

Vance nudged his shoulder aggressively, and Bruce gave him a stern look.

"What the hell? I'm studying here, can't you see?" Bruce said seriously, surprising Vance with his rare display of seriousness.

Vance chuckled.

Attempting to rise from his chair, he encountered Vance's firm grip on his arm, prompting him to exclaim in pain

"Sit." Vance instructed with a firm voice, looking up at him.

Bruce withdrew his arm from Vance's grasp and fixed him with a chilling gaze.

After the class dismissal, Vance noticed signs of rain, which brought him relief as he had an umbrella with him. He left the school premises. Meanwhile, Bruce walked alone, carrying his book and bag, drenched and shivering. Unfortunately for him, he was not even halfway home.

He stood near the bus stop, hoping for a bus to arrive, but none did. Slowly, his hope began to fade, leaving him with only one option—to walk home, cold and wet.

All of a sudden, he heard someone coming closer from behind him. He turned around and saw a tall man with curly hair, and he immediately recognized him as Vance.

Oh no, he thought to himself. He's intentionally avoiding Vance because he knows he's dangerous and unpleasant. Vance could easily beat him up, and he doesn't want to go home with a black eye. His mom is always worried about him, and he hates that. Seeing his parents worried upsets him because he doesn't want to cause them any trouble.

But then he had a terrible idea, a really bad one.

Vance is now getting nearer to him.

Screw it, I'm going for it, he thought at that moment.

He rushed toward Vance, who was surprised to see Bruce approaching him. It was unexpected and strange.

"Um... hey," Bruce awkwardly said, while Vance frowned in confusion.

"What the fuck do you want?" Vance replied sternly, causing Bruce to feel afraid.

When Vance spoke, Bruce briefly considered abandoning his plan, but he didn't want to be late. He had promised to help his mom with cooking dinner because his dad was at work. Since it was his mom's day off, he wanted to do something nice for her. At this point, he was willing to do anything to get home as quickly as possible. He felt foolish for not bringing an umbrella with him.


Hi gays, this is me the author, sorry if this ones bad i rlly don't have any plans for this, i just write what i think😝 i was thinking on making them share the same umbrella but ehh..

⚠️this is all a work of fiction, i ship the characters not the actors.

Only Exception. || 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora