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Ryder Conan is the guy, your parents would tell you to stay away from with his tattoos, piercings and stormy grey eyes. Roselynne Miller is the girl every guy is warned not to date.

But then these two cross paths and find themselves drawn to each other by the barrier that separates them. Rose soon finds herself drawn into the dangerous world that is Ryder Conan, a world that even her overprotective brothers cannot save her from.

                                                                                         CHAPTER 1

"Roselynne Miller" the voice of my teacher broke through the thick silence in my history classroom. I was staring down at my notebook, making tiny doodles as I tried to understand why exactly we were learning about the Spanish wars. The sound of my name broke me out of the trance I was in, making my pencil freeze over the caricature drawing of our teacher. It didn't need much editing though as Miss maple was a caricature on her own with her short burnt hair, excess make up and large snake like eyes looking for who to devour.

 I pushed a lock of my hair out of my face as I watched her padding down the narrow aisle that divided our class into two, she reached down and snatched the book from in between my fingers. Her face turned a bloody red as she stared at the image I'd drawn. She was furious and insulted. "detention after school" she yelled in that croak like voice of hers. I wasn't very surprised though, she had a particular dislike of my family and I in general, let's just say my brothers and cousins didn't leave much of a good impression. The bell rang, I snatched my bag off the floor and headed out o the classroom. It was

time for lunch. I made my way to the cafeteria to meet my cousin Leo Valdez and my best friend Lily. They were seated in our usual table away from the hustle and bustle of the entire cafeteria.

"hey Rose" Lily called out as I took my seat "how was class?"

"i got detention" I replied. She scrunched up her face.

"let me guess, Miss Maple" Leo chipped in, I nodded, stuffing my mouth with grapes. "I got Saturday detention 3 times last year".

"so how are you going to tell you brothers?" lily asked. I gave her a look.

"i'll just tell them. I stayed back with a teacher or something" I replied. She didn't look convinced though. Nolan wasn't usually the happiest when I got in trouble.

Leo sighed "miss Maple usually calls home"

"then I'm screwed" the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. We had gym and then I was going for detention. I hated gym class. All the physical activity didn't do well with me and to make it worse, my cousin Sylvia and her irritating best friend Mardy were in that class. Just my luck. I walked into the changing room, my face going sour as I spotted Sylvia already. She looked at me and faked a smile.

"oh, hey cousin" I rolled my eyes and walked into one of the stalls to change. "a birdie told me you got detention" she continued. I flung open the door and stepped. She took a step back.

"oh really, well snitches get broken arms" I threatened. She gulped. The last time she told on me. She ended up with a lot of damage but she's not one to listen so I was expecting her to slip soon enough. I walked past them and went to the field. We were playing dodgeball. I was really good at it and I had one target Sylvia and Mardy. They both out within the first 10 seconds of the game. Gym class was soon over and I went for detention. Of course miss maple was waiting for me there with a smile on her face. "welcome to detention, Rose" she said, shoving me in and shutting the door loudly. 

I looked around the room and froze. There was someone else , he was seated at the very back of the classroom, his stormy gray eyes staring at me. I knew who he was. Hell everyone knew who he was. Ryder Conan, he was the hottest guy at school, bad boy and was rumored to be in the mafia. He was what your parents would tell you to stay away from, with his tattoos and piercings. I took a seat in the middle making sure I was far away from him as possible to avoid getting choked to death. I pulled out my phone to use but Miss Maple had turned off the Wi-Fi. 

I switched it off and pulled out one of my other notebooks. I started drawing the picture of miss maple all over again, she hadn't let me finish the last time. I drew her round face, very long nose, bushy eyebrows, coloured lips and short burnt hair. I paused when I felt a presence behind me, I could smell his perfume. It was heavenly. He was leaning over my shoulder, staring at the drawing. I could hear his uneven breathing and even felt it on my face.

"nice" he whispered so close to my ear, that I shivered. He took a step back and retreated o his seat at the very back of the classroom. In a few seconds he was fast asleep, his snores filling the entire class. An hour and half later Miss Maple unlocked the door.

"wake him up and get out" she instructed. I looked a him, still sleeping his head firmly on the desk with is hair all over the place. I was unsure of what to do. He had a very short temper that could go off at anytime. i'd witnessed it before., when some random kid mistakenly hit his pen on the floor and he punched right in the nose and broke it. We never heard heard of the kid after they took him to the hospital. Gulping, I walked cautiously to where he was and tapped him. He didn't budge. I tapped him again harder but he didn't move so I shoved him hard. He looked up slowly, his eyes narrowed at me.

"fuck off, Maples" he yelled at me. I took a step back, turned and ran out of the classroom. I was one to give people a piece of my mind when disrespected but Ryder was different. He was doing nothing with a piece of my mind. In a few seconds I was in my car, driving out of the parking lot and driving home. My only thought being 'I'm screwed'. 

Thank you.

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