Chapter 1: 30,000 Won, please!

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The most coveted assets in this world are money, power, and fame. All three go hand-in-hand with each other, with money being the foundation. Those who have money have power over those who don't, and those who have power are well-known, whether feared or loved.

Y/N picks up her phone, which was made by C&R International. The majority of people in South Korea have a C&R phone; their company has a firm grip on the market. Being the wealthiest corporation in the nation with a significant international influence, C&R is one of the most powerful companies in the world. The heir to the company, Jumin Han, is by far the most famous person in Korea. His group of friends, R.F.4, share similar reputations. They practically rule C&R High School: the school for the best of the best, where the elites send their children.

'Mystic Messenger' is the name of the app Y/N is downloading in hopes of getting in touch with locals in order to find a job. Unlike C&R, Y/N's family is not wealthy by any means. To help support her family, Y/N wants to start working a part-time job while also attending school.

The app finishes downloading. Y/N opens it, being startled to find that she is already in a chatroom. That wasn't what she was expecting at all. The stranger in the chatroom has the username 'Unknown', which Y/N finds quite fitting.


Unknown: Hello? Is there someone else here?

Y/N hesitates to respond.

Y/N: Yes, who are you?

Unknown: Oh good, it finally connected. I'm sure you're surprised.

Unknown: Look, I just found this phone at a park, but I can't go find the owner or else I'll be late for work.

Y/N: Wait, what? Who are you?

Unknown: It doesn't really matter. My name won't even come up on search engines, ha ha.

Unknown: Can you help me find the owner of the phone?

Y/N: How could I help?

Unknown: There's a note on the phone that says C&R High School with a long string of numbers, maybe a student ID? It also has a locker number and combination.

Unknown: Could you go to the school and leave a note for the owner?

Y/N: Why should I help you? Can't you just go to the police?

Unknown: To be honest, I have a religion that I follow very closely.

Unknown: My religion says to never miss an opportunity to do what's right.

Unknown: I guess to normal people, that would just be empathy ha ha.

Y/N: Alright, but I'm leaving if anything seems sketchy.

Unknown: You trust me.. Thank you!

Unknown: Here, let me send you all the information I have.

Unknown sends her the information and tells her what to write on the note for the owner.


Y/N rolls her eyes. Who does this guy think he is, asking her to go somewhere a stranger tells her? Besides, she has deliveries to run. Her family runs a dry cleaner, and everyone is expected to help out. Money, power, and fame were nowhere to be had in her family; they got by without such grand things.

Out of the blue, Y/N is put into a brand new chatroom. She looks at her phone curiously. This time, the chatroom is filled with many people all talking to each other.


Yoosung★: That seems fair enough to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Zen: I don't understand why Jumin is being so harsh.

707: power trip lol

Jumin Han: You think I'm on a power trip?

Zen: If the shoe fits...

Jumin Han: Actions have consequences. All I'm doing is giving Saeran Choi the consequences he was naturally going to face.

Yoosung★: you sound like such an adult T_T

Zen: People like him are just raised to be serious like that.


Y/N was left with more questions than answers. Who are these people, and why is she in a chatroom with them? She has no clue what they're even talking about... except for that name. She saw the name 'Saeran Choi' before, but where? Y/N scratched her head while pondering the question. "Ah, yes. That delivery," she thought,"When am I supposed to take that again..?"

It was due 10 minutes ago.

Stumbling frantically, Y/N grabbed the delivery and hopped on her bike. The address was C&R High School, but the school gate closed 5 minutes ago. She wouldn't be able to get in... at least, not without inputting a student ID number. What a brilliant idea; she can use the information from that Unknown user and get the delivery in with just enough time to get to her own school before class starts.

Y/N pushed the bicycle pedals faster than she ever had, her body filled with adrenaline. What would her parents think if she slacked on a delivery or was late to school again? Leaving her bicycle on the ground by the gate, not even bothering to put it up properly, Y/N sped into the school with the dry cleaned uniform in search of Saeran Choi. She had a vague idea of his face from when he came into the shop, and he was likely the only one not in uniform, so he shouldn't be too hard to find... except for the fact that everyone was crowded up on the roof for some odd reason. "Of course, this is my punishment for laziness," she muttered.

Swiftly making her way to the rooftop, Y/N found her target much more easily than she anticipated. Saeran was standing on the edge of the roof, with the crowd around him jeering and recording. Y/N makes her way to the front of the crowd.

"I have your dry cleaning, Mr. Choi!" she says cheerfully. He turns around and looks at her, perplexed. "30,000 Won, please!" she says.

He looks at her solemnly. "Bill it to my house after I'm dead," he says.

"Don't be like that, I can lower the price," Y/N argues, "20,000 Won! Okay?" She waits for a response before it clicks. "What?! Die? Right now?" He nods. "But this is such a great school! You've been given such a rare opportunity to get an education here," Y/N says in a slightly scolding tone. How could someone with so much more than her want to die? "School? No, this is Hell," he says to her. "Oh, I'm sure your elitist school that guarantees you college admission is awful," she snaps back at him. Y/N is here to deliver dry cleaning, not to be a therapist to some ungrateful rich kid. "Do you know about R.F.4?" he asks. She tilts her head. "Who?" he chuckles sadly. "They're pretty much the most powerful group in this school. If they ban you from their fundraising parties, it's pretty much free-range for bullying..." he explains, "That's why I'm up here." Y/N yells, "So they're entitled pricks who prey on the weak?! If they were at my school, I would've stomped on them like bugs!"

Saeran smiles and says "Your friends are lucky to have a friend like you," before stepping off the edge of the roof. Y/N runs as fast as her legs will allow her and manages to catch him at the last second, saving his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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