Nightmares in the Light - Chapter 6

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December 6, 2136

A team of unfamiliar aliens was restocking the food and water station in the cargo-hold-turned-farm-rescue-camp. Jalim wanted to talk to one of them. He'd seen how deadly they were to any predator that came within range; now that they were in the Federation, they'd make amazing exterminators.

He didn't even know what they were called; the Yotul were the only new species in the Federation when he'd departed on his last mission. While months had passed, it was still not enough time to uplift a new species, which meant they'd likely advanced on their own.

"Thank you for your help," he chirped loudly, picking up a drinking cup.

"Of course. That's what we're here for," the person responded, jerking their helmeted head up and down.

"What does that mean? The head gesture you just performed?"

"This? It's called a nod. It's an acknowledgment, I guess. Sometimes we use it to say yes. This one means no," they told him, shaking their head from side to side.

"I see. What are your people called?"

The creature paused for a moment. "We're Gaians. From a planet called Terra. I know you're a Krakotl, but I don't think I ever got your name?"

"I'm Jalim. You?"

"My name is Xinyuan Chen."

"Oh! You're the one that helped us get to the ship. I didn't recognize you, with your coverings. Why do you wear them, by the way?"

The alien made an odd barking noise that his translator informed him was laughter. "Would you accept 'we're just that ugly' as an answer?"

Jalim squawked a laugh. The creatures were good in a crisis, and funny to boot. "Well, you can't be as ugly as the predators you saved us from! So, did your people find the Federation on your own, or were you uplifted?"

"Earlier this year, we sent a scientific mission looking for life to Venlil Prime, and found... well, the Venlil. They've been helping introduce us to the rest of the galaxy, I suppose you might say."

"And in return, you've helped with their military capabilities?" The Gaian's visor moved in a way that Jalim thought might suggest surprise. "I noticed new weaponry and tactics. If so, I, for one, am grateful. We need more strong species that don't panic at the mere sight of predatory eyes. I'm glad your people have joined the Federation and are fighting alongside us."

The Gaian coughed; the poor thing must have felt embarrassed at his heartfelt words. He could only imagine the tight social norms of a species so conservative they kept themselves covered at all times!

"I'm, uh, glad we could rescue you. It was nice meeting you, but I think I should get back to work."

He chirped a polite farewell, and heard Kerula's wings beating behind him.

"Did you find out where we're going?" she asked.

He gestured a negative, and relayed what he'd learned about the Gaians.

"Interesting. I really want to know where we're heading. I hope it's Nishtal, but with how long we were on that cattle ship, we could be entire systems away from the region. I've been meaning to catch one of the soldiers to ask some questions, but I keep finding more people that need my help. They're empty husks."

"Like we were, for however long."

Kerula agreed. Her memory of the weeks after their escape was a tangled haze of fear and freezing rivers. "When are you going to visit Sauno?

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