Dreamless Sleep

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The darkness shifts
And churns
An overbearing weight
Heaves itself upon your throat
No thoughts
No vision
No dreams.
Only weight.
Crushing pressure.
A suffocating aura,
A presence of absolute fear and dread.
Dreams ascend from the deapths
A flood of cold, black acid
Burning through skin and bone.
A scream emanates from your lips,
Yet no sound is heard.
The liquid enters your throat
Filling your lungs.
Adrenaline and agony run through you
Blood pours from your eyes.
And suddenly your mind is full.
Memories of your childhood pour through
Consuming your senses, eating you alive.
Pleasure flows through where pain was.
You long for the days when this pain
Was far away in the future.
You didn't have to worry about a thing.
All you needed was a cold drink on a summer day
And a picnic at sunset.
These memories you know you'll never have again...
They make you once again long for dreamless sleep.

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