1 | Prologue

43 3 1

5 years ago.

Isis had finally got the chance to sit down for the first time today. She had been running errands, doctors appointments, and she had to finish the baby's nursery on her own.

Isis was nine months pregnant with her first child that she shared with her boyfriend; her high school sweetheart.

"Baby" Zimir called out as he entered their shared apartment. Hearing him call out for her, she sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes; already annoyed with him.

" in the living room" she responded so dryly as took off his work boots at the door.

Zimir and Isis had a good relationship. There was no infidelity, they had a great line of communication and great sex; hence her being nine months pregnant.

So, what's wrong? You may ask.

Over the course of her pregnancy Zimir had become very distant: sleeping on the couch, leaving before she could wake up in the morning, and what hurt her the most was they barely talked.

So at this point she was completely over it. He had even missed some of the baby's doctor's appointments. " What's up baby" he asked and she didn't even respond verbally, she just nodded her head as she sat down after placing a kiss on her forehead and her stomach.

" Why are you so quiet?" he asked, figuring something was wrong with her, being that he had a very talkative girlfriend. " I think we should separate" she stated playing with her fingers; something she did when she was either nervous or uncomfortable.

" Isis. Don't start that shit" Zimir stated standing up and walking away which had become his most Recent favorite thing to do, but she wasn't far behind this time.

" See. That's exactly why I can't do this any more. You changed on me Mir" she said, calling him by a name only she had access to as her voice cracked.

Isis didn't want to end this with this man, she loved him but she felt as though love wasn't enough any more.

All Zimir could do in this moment was turn around and look her in the eyes; which was filled with tears, hurt and love all at the same time.

" Baby. I'm sorry!" he finally got out after swallowing the lump in his throat as he tried to grab her hand but she snatched away.

Zimir didn't intentionally shut her out, he had been going through a man crisis because he was trying to figure out a way to make sure Isis and their child lived the life they deserved; he just didn't know how to tell his woman that.

" I don't want your sorry. And I don't want you to touch-" she was cut off by gushing liquid coming for her lower half and soon after she felt her contractions.

Zimir rushed her to hospital with the thought that he was about to lose the love of his life and there was nothing he could do about; but he would never stop trying.

Did he ever get her back?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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