To My Future Grand Daugther

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To My future Grand Daughter

To my grand daughter of 2114. This letter is written on June 3 2015 but given to your mother to keep in the year 2048. I think your name in the future might be 'futuristic' like Starla or Trix or something traditional such as Susan or Zoe. But whatever your name is or who ever you are, I think its time for you to take my advice and if you think its going to be old or boring, trust me... this is written when I'm 17 years old so I guess we can relate.

I assume your mother got this from a box I gave to her when I was in my mid-50's and gave you this 'Wattpad Contest Entry' when you turned 16 and I might not be there when you graduate and you finished your HSC exams... Or even started them. So here is some good old from your 'old-geezer' yet hip grandma from 99 years ago... Just to help you a bit along the way... Even if times have changed.

Lets begin.

1. Steer away from love... For now:
When I was your age, I decided to avoid attachment from the people I love to the things I loved doing. Reason for this because you wouldn't know what crappy things may happen. For me, I was forced to delete all of my old recordings due to reasons (don't worry, Nothing bad, just a misunderstanding). At the same time, I just lost my grandfather and it was hard to accept that he was gone. There will be a time as well where you do fall in love and your mother and father may/may not accept the guy (or girl... Don't worry, I accept it). But listen to me when I say this... don't go too far. Crush wise is ok but when you are taking the final exams of your life... Not a good idea to go on a date.

2. There will be bad people... So be ready
The worse person I've met till this day is my ex-best friend who now calls me an 'Evil Psychopathic Murderous Bitch'. I can't do anything about it though like fight back because... Let's just say this person is 'special'. Reason I'm telling you this is because there will be people who you think you can trust but in the end... they will end up backstabbing you. And at the same time, these people might have some connections that makes them special and makes things difficult for you to fight back. And trust me, I've met a few. By this point, when you do encounter one and can't get them off your back. Listen to me when I tell you this... suicide isn't the answer. There was a time I wanted to do it but I have friends who I can really trust who helped me lived on and push those people away from me.

3. Never give up
Whether you want to do law, an art degree or a course on the advance holographic sciences and engineering... Don't give up. But at the same time, you need to have a hobby that relates to that! Take it for me for instance. I wanted to do a media course (in other words... Be a cameraman!). But I know there is more to than just using a camera like lighting and setting and a bunch of technical stuff that you future child wouldn't understand. So to practice my craft... I make videos and post them online and at the same time, I participate on short film festivals (ask your mother if she can access them for you, especially the short film: Scribbler Moon... I believe you have no idea how to use an old school laptop with your iPhone 100 with that transparent/holographic screen... And I don't think youtube exist anymore so you mother should have preserved some of my old recordings). Just continue to pursuing your craft and you can do anything as 'You are a human with one life and its up to you to make it the best life you can!' - Dan Howell (2013)

And lastly:

4. Normalness Leads To Sadness (To me, a better version of 'Don't let others define you')
These words came from a wise man when I was your age. His name is Phil Lester and he's 11 years older than me! He died by the time you see this but your mother should keep one of my old hard drives where I downloaded a bunch of his videos. The reason why I pass his words to you is because its ok if you want to be different, if you don't want to conform with society. Its fine to be weird my dear child and don't you forget it. Here is a little lyrics from a song that was popular in my time:

'I want to satisfy the Undisclosed desires in your heart' - Muse (Undisclosed Desires - Resistance Album - 2009).

For me... This song is about breaking free from conformity and accepting your desires, whether its a secret or not. For me, it was making online videos. People tell me what I do is 'not normal' and that I what I do isn't what someone my age would but I don't care because it's who I am and who I want to be!

So to my sweet grand daughter who will be reading this. I bet you were expecting some advice that was outdated but I know better. Your mother worried when I gave this to her thinking that you might not relate to it but I tell you now... You would want to follow them... Especially the 4th. So whoever you are and wherever you are, I do hope you receive this and take my wise words from my teenage brain.

And do me one last favour.... Share my message to the world as well. I don't want these words to be just a family secret. Find a way to spread this out there as I believe the sites I used to love as a kid will just be a memory due to the advancement of technology.

For now... I must go but I will be waiting for you to visit me some day.

From your grandmother
- C.J.

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