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Blue's P.O.V.

"Honey you're going to be late!" My mom yelled up the stairs.

"I'm going as fast as I can Momma!" I yell back to reassure her.

I quickly grab my backpack from my bed. I turn a little bit, but my foot got caught on a pair of jeans on the floor.I fell forward and caught myself on the dresser with the side of my right arm.

I wince as the pain comes back from last night's cutting.

I hiss slightly as I hoist myself go my feet.I ran down the stairs from my open bedroom door. I check my watch. It was a small, old, little thing but was always reliable.


The bus would be pulling up right... about... now! And as I predicted, a yellow school bus pulled up to my house. My house is nothing short of a plain white building. My town is small and not many kids my age live here, mostly 2nd or 3rd grade idiots.

The only good place is the bar and grill, Antolop Creek. The town is know as Moorton, sometimes I'm convinced more people go to the lake, then actually live here.

I don't have any siblings but we do have a guest room, mostly because Dad has friends over.

I don't have any friends, for that matter.

Some Furries or Demons wonder, "Who do you talk to?" Short story, I don't. I either zone out or read a book. When people talk to me I just push them away like, "Don't you have other better people to talk to then me" or "What do you want with me?" Some ignore me, except my bullies.

Everyday nothing changes. As soon as I get to school, once I open my locker, I'm shoved into it open or not, or called harsh names. Sometimes it just one group or both. Yes, 2 groups of people bully me. One group is, a group of Furries the other is a group of Demons. They mostly mess me at the end of the day, while the Furries do in the morning.

There's nothing I can do. I want to tell teachers but I fear what will happen if after. But in the groups there's one person who always looks pained to harm me. Its the ones who do it the most too, so its really hard to believe. I always think nothing of it because I'm also known for being         pranked not believing the dumbest lies like, "I just want to be your friend." "You can tell me anything, I won't judge you."

After the first week, I fell into deep depression. I try to look happy, like nothing is wrong. Pretty soon, the cuts got deeper and deeper. I passed out once, in the SCHOOL BATHROOM. Nobody found out, as far as I know, pretty sure if somebody did they would have reported it.

Sometimes I wonder who actually cares about me. Who is playing, and who isn't.

I often fing myself staring over the edge of the school rooftop. But I can't find the courage to jump or fall yet. Key word, yet. Plus people are constantly on the roof, eating, playing a dumb game, or reading.

The bus pulled up to the school. Holy shit! I zoned out that long?! 30 minutes!? Cool.

I realized you don't really know my name. I'm Blue KitWall. Weird right? I get bullied for that.

I opened my locker. Soon I felt myself being shoved into it. Literally IN it. I did nothing to prevent it manly because there was nothing I could do.

I twisted around to have the door be shut in my face. I was surprised I even still fit. For gods sake, I was 15! I was constantly told I was fat and I honestly was starting to believe it.

I listened for them to leave so I could call for help. Their footsteps got quieter and quieter untill I heard silence. Usually you would assume that the halls would be flooded with kids. Well not here.

And just seemingly randomly the cameras weren't working and haven't been for week. We're about halfway into the school year.

I knocked slightly on the door. Normally when this happened, I would be stuck in untill lunch.

I shifted to get things out of my backpack. You can imagine how much that hurts. I knocked again and listened. Nothing.

I sighed. Better get prepared to be standing for some hours.


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