7: Complications

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Thank you for the votes and comments, much appreciated!

If anyone wants to brainstorm/suggest ideas for this plot and/or things they'd like to see I will consider them :)


Miles was swinging through the night, albeit when he was suppose to be sleeping. Unfortunately while being a superhero, he still needed his rest so he couldn't stay out much longer. He'd snuck into his room last night and snuck right back out before his parents could discover that he was home.

Facing them was...something he didn't want to do. Which meant eventually he was going to have to, but he decided to save that for when he knew what to say. Before he thought he knew what to say, but what he said apparently didn't get through to them.

Swinging towards home, Miles heard something ping.

Gwen had forced him to put on the bracelet to make sure he got any messages and/or could get home from any other universes he was whipped off to if the rare occurrence would occur.

"Miles?" He heard Miguel's voice on the other side.

"What's up?"

"I uh, we need your help. Got another canon event approaching, we're able to rid most of the events now after studying a bit of your powers, but this one's going to be a bit big according to Lyla."

Miles chuckled. He still sounded a bit hesitant to ask for his help, pride surely was the devil.

He almost forgot he'd done a few tests back at the Spidey headquarters. He got out of there as soon as possible with the amount of apologies being thrown his way. He shocked a view things, absorbed some dark matter and left.

"When's it happening?"

"In a few hours. I know it's late for you, but we don't want to take any risks."

Miles nodded firmly. "Agreed, I'll be there. What universe?"


Two digits and Miles' entire thought process simply collapsed.


"Gwen! Gwen!" He knocked on her window, but she was fast asleep. Eventually, his knocking got through to her.

Opening up her window, he slid in as she stared at him. "What's wrong?"

"You don't know? There's a canon event happening in a few hours, on your turf."

Her eyes widened. "But, I thought my dad quitting changed that." Miles put up his hands. "No, it did. It just changed the person we still have to stop the event."

Gwen glanced at her alarm clock set for a few hours down the line. She would've been awake for a morning patrol at the time of the event.

"Who's the person?"

"The new police captain."

Gwen's lips pursed.

Miles came to a small realization. "For this to be a canon event you've got uh, got to care for this person right?"


"What! I'm not jealous, I was just wondering what your friendship is like with this...individual."

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Can't even call him a person?"

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