Heartbreak Stories

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"And I like you, Weasley." His words echoed through her head. The Weasley girl couldn't help the tiny smile on her lips. She looked him in the eyes, trying to decipher in what way he had meant that, but soon giving up.

"That's a proper response to a 'I hate you.', there's no doubt in that." Rose couldn't find any other thing in her mind to say. That was her being her and though it might now have been the best time to let out such remark, she had. But that was one of the many, many things that Scorpius loved about her. Her ability to make any situation, no mater how tense it was, fun and light. The boy smiled more.

"It's the truth." he bit his lip in hesitation.

"I would be quite offended if it wasn't, to be honest, you have been my best friend for two years, I do not know how I would react if you told me you didn't like me at this point." Roses motto had always been to not let herself get her hopes up when it came to matters of the heart, not after what had happened with Rhys. Sure she had been the one to split things up for real, but that did not mean she hadn't got her heart broken too, and when, only a few months after she had done so, Rose finally admitted it to herself that she felt more for scorpions than friendship, the one thing she promised herself was to not let his touchy, relaxed attitude get her, that he's hugs meant nothing, nor his smiles and kisses. And she had been very good at keeping that promise so far, of course, her heart fluttered every time she caught him looking at her, and her mind couldn't ignore the fact that she was touching him every time she was, but those were things that Rose could not control. That being said, the Weasley just brushed past his comments and latest confessions like he was telling her what he had had for breakfast.

"Much like what you just did to me, Weasley?" Scorpius cocked his blonde head at her, the usual smirk having returned to his lips. Oh, how Rose wished she could wipe it off with her own. The girl shook her head at herself, pushing the thoughts away.

"You know I don't mean it though, Malfoy." She added his last name too just because of how much she loved it when he said hers, and maybe saying it too would encourage him. She couldn't help but smile softly at him when he crawled over to where she was sitting, over her now extend legs, so his face was only a couple inches away from hers.

"So, we're good now?" He asked in a raspy voice. Roses breath was trapped in her throat. She could smell his minty breath, with a hint of not very well concealed cigarette, she could see his pupils dilate his ever so clear and blonde stubble, and again, his eyes. Blue eyes had never been Rose's thing, but she could stare into those ones for hours.

With an unavoidable shy smile on her lips, Rose nodded and, just like that, they were back to being Rose and Scorpius, goofs of Hogwarts.

"Good." Scorpius kissed her cheek before getting up and holding out his hand for her. She took it and pulled herself up.

"Can you unlock the door now please?" She batted her eyelashes and him.

The Slytherin boy let out a chuckle and turned the key that was inside the lock. There was a loud pop and the door opened with a creek.

"That's it? You literally just locked the door with the key?!" The soft chuckle then evolved into a loud laugh that echoed through the corridor and, Rose guessed, through the entire empty wing of the castle. As annoyed as she was, though, she couldn't help but giggle, too. Her mind was so formatted to witchcraft that the girl would never have thought of trying the key. And she was certainly very much impressed that he had done so.

"After you, Milady." The boy joked bowing down and holding his hand out to the hallway, motioning for her to go. Rose did so, not stopping after she was out, instead checking the next classroom.

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