☆A Heroes Duty☆

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  Kami Tsukino was a lovely hero. Everyone loved her. With her dark pitch black hair and her white eyes. Peculiar features as she's been told, but not ugly. Definitely not ugly. She was called the night hero, the blessing from the moon, as they say. When you heard the name Amaris, you felt safe. But this story isn't about your safety. It isn't about how lovely a hero Amaris is. It's about Kami Tsukino.

   "Shit, shit, shit." I mumble under my breath, throwing on my hero outfit as I run out the door. "Why did they have to change my patrol hours?"

   I rushed out of my apartment building to see the moon already high in the sky. A full moon tonight. I always feel the best when it's a full moon. The full moon was shining bright when I met him. No, don't think of him, Kami. You gotta make sure no one is going to be hurt from any villains tonight.

   "Let's go of my purse, you criminal!" I hear an old lady scream at a guy wearing a black ski mask and a black outfit. Pretty tacky, not gonna lie.

   I put my hand put and let a surge of shadows shoot towards the villain. He's thrown back, and the purse is thrown into the air. I run and jump using my shadows to push me up and grab the purse.

   "Here you go, ma'am." I smile, handing the purse to her.

   "Thank you so much, Amaris." She grabs the purse.

   I nod and run in a different direction. I feel the darkness follow me. Darkness is the name of my Quirk. I can control shadows and manipulate them to do whatever I want. I never really wanted to be a hero. The only reason I thought about it was because of him. It's been a long time since I saw him. I was 13 when it all went down. But let's not think about that.

   "Amaris! There's a fire!" A blond lady covered in ash shouted at me.

   "Show me." I follow her towards a building covered in blue flames. First priority, save everyone in the building.

   I ran into the building, covering myself in shadows to shield myself from the fire. I see a little girl hiding under a table.

   "Hello, little girl. My name is Amaris. Can I pick you up?" I ask her. She nods, and I summon a shadow to pick her up and take her out of the building. I found five more people in the building, and I brought them out with my shadows as well. I walk out of the building to see firefighters putting out the fire.

   "Amaris." A police officer called my name. "The one who set the building on fire was Dabi. A guy from The League Of Villains."

   "Do you know where he went to?" I ask.

   "No ma'am." He says. Did he just call me ma'am? I'm younger than him. I walk off after everything is settled to see that my patrol is over. I start walking home. I'm far away from where the fire happened when I hear clapping.

   "Amaris strikes again. Truly heroic what you did back there." A man with black hair,  blue eyes, and a bunch of scars all over him congratulats me. "I don't see why you would do that, though. Those people are useless."

   Dabi. The fire villain. I put my hand forward, and a shadow moves to his direction. A burst of flames comes out of Dabi's hand and destroys my shadow.

   "Now I didn't come here to fight." He says.

   "Then what did you come hear for?" I try to sound threatening. Yeah, Kami, scare the villain away.

   "Oh, I just wanted to talk to an old friend." He smiles psychoticly.

   "I am not your old friend." I grid my teeth.

   "Are you sure about that, Lunar?" He asks.

   I throw another shadow at him, but before it reaches him, a purple thing consumes him, and he disappeared.

   No one calls me Lunar. No one but him.

☆12 years ago☆

   "Let go of me, Touya!" I giggle as he holds me up.

   We were in our spot. Sekoto Peak. It's a really beautiful mountain.

   "No! I will never let you go, Lunar!" Touya says in his fake villain accent.

   I move my hand so a shadow can grap Touya's foot and push him to the ground. He looks at me, and we both burst out in laughter. Somehow, I ended up on the ground. When we stopped laughing and settled in comfortable silence, Touya said something.

   "You know Kami."

   "What?" I ask.

   "We should become heroes together. We can protect everyone with my flames and your shadows. We would be unstoppable." He beamed.

   "Ok, I'll do it. Only if you do it with me, though." I smile at him.

   "Promise?" He puts his pinkie towards me.

   "Promise." I link pinkies with him.

   We both smile at each other and go back to pretending that I was hero and Touya was a villain.

   Touya never became a hero with Kami, though. He didn't make it, or so she and everybody else thought.

   "Damnit, Kami. You let him get away." I hit the wall with my foot. "Ow, why did I do that?"

   I take off my hero costume. It consists of a black skin tight long sleeved shirt with small stars on it. Black baggy jean shorts. Black combat boots. And a silver moon necklace. I keep the necklace on, though.

   The necklace Touya gave me for my 13th birthday. He told me I needed to wear it so it would help my Quirk sense it works in  the dark. It didn't make much sense, but I still wear it when I'm portaling. I head to my room to fall asleep. But I could never end up sleeping. I just kept on relaying what Dabi said.

   "Are you sure about that, Lunar?"

   What could he mean by that? And how does he know that name?

A Blessing From The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now