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What was I doing with my life at this point. I don't even know how I got here. I was in the bathroom, once again. But this time there was no fighting. Even though we were both in the same bathroom. We were too caught up in the moment to think about being enemies. Nothing had happened yet, we were just standing there staring at each other. I hate being impulsive because i'm surprised the question I asked didn't get me knocked out. "Can I bite your tongue like my bad habit?" After saying those stupid words he started coming closer to me and before I knew it.

*SLAP* "ow what the fuck!" I yelped as I got hit on the back of the head. "You fell asleep. If I can't go home you can't sleep." Whats with him can't he just LET ME SLEEP.  "can't we just ditch like I really don't wanna be here. Especially with you."  I hate being woken up and having to see his ugly face made it 10x worse. 

"No we can't leave. well I guess you can but I can't." I was confused as to what he meant.  am I going to make him tell me? uh definitely I'm nosy after all. "what do you mean I can leave but you can't?" this better get me somewhere.  "nothing just forget it." He didn't look angry but more scared to tell me what he was meaning. "I'm not forgetting anything you better tell me. look in not going to judge you unless it's something seriously stupid." We may be enemies but I'm not going to let him suffer like that. he sighed before actually answering me. "um well.... my parents fight a lot and my dad usually comes home around this time.  he's usually drunk and he likes to yell things that actually hurt me more than it should... you know what just forget it. " He looked kind of embarrassed. "but I didn't say anything to you. look I know we're not.... friends or anything, but... I'm here for you, if you need someone to talk to. Okay?" It looked like he was about to cry so I did the only thing i could think of. I hugged him. and he hugged me back which i really didn't expect. "okay. So he says really bad things about me and the things he says makes me wanna kill myself sometimes. I haven't tried because I don't have the balls to. or that's what I tell myself anyways. I think I don't do it because I can't leave my mum behind."

He was crying and his tears were soaking through my shirt. but for once I didn't care what he did.  "I'm really sorry. I'm not pitting you either, but do you wanna stay at my house?" He looked up at me with glossy eyes from crying. it took every fiber within my body to hold back from kissing him right there.
"you hate me and your parents probably wouldn't like it much. I know mine don't" Oh that made me feel bad. "uhh I don't have parents and even if I hate I can still care about you." am I about to tell my enemy as to why I don't have parents. the story is kind of embarrassing. it's not really a believable story either.

"Where's your parents?" oh here we go. "you won't belive me but I'll tell you. so when I was 16 we went on a trip to Thailand and they yeah these really big elephants that roamed around where we were staying.  well my parents thought it was a good idea to go and try to feed them. um well they kind of got trampled to death by all the elephants while I was sitting in the hotel room on my phone. " The expressions on his face made him look scared to say anything but he nodded. "haha that's um that's a way to go." we both laughed a bit.
"so can I stay over at your house? " He sounded so fucking adorable. "yeah you can just dont be an ass." Oh how I should have known the tables would turn.

[700 words- medium chapter]

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