AN/chaper 1

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Guysss I know I was due a few months ago but I got very sick and was not able to write the was grounded (lol) and got sick one more time so I am sorry for making you wait this long also this might take me a while to make new chapters so the is the best I can do right now. I also would like to say new chapters every Monday and Friday please don be mad that's all I can do at the moment (also might do face revel) I also will call quackity big Q for me to not waste a bit of time Its not ür Fault¿¡?! (do start music  when a/n is over)
(Guys this is hard to make story's good so be nice bout it)

3rd person POV
Big Q has been visiting Dream for a while as such as 1 year now (idk what to do with this part soooooooo)

         Time skip brought to you by lil miss Caela

Dreams POV
I was siting writing a book of who knows what at this point and suddenly heard I see the bridge being move towards me be already Knew it was big Q knowing that all he wanted was the revival book then the lava went down with following footsteps I quickly put down my book and watched big q take out a axe.

As I cross the bridge I can see Dream sitting in a corner writing something in a book. When the lava went up I stepped in the cell and took out my axe and told Dream that this was his last chance to give me the revival book


Cliff hanger sorry guys for just a long time from not posting part 2????? ANYONE??? Anyway bye cookies!

Hello? (Ghost Dre) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ