chapter V

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"Who else knows about this?" demanded Gerald. "Just you guys us and I kind of told Emily" replied Kyle, "You told your four year old cousin that you got your girlfriend pregnant Kyle how could you bee so irresponsible?" asked Shelia in a calm but stern tone; "Relax Mum all I told her is that Heidi and I are getting married and that she's got a baby growing in her tummy" replied Kyle. "Okay exactly how far along are you?" asked Gerald; "I only found out yesterday and Kyle only just proposed yesterday after I told him the news, we haven't told my parents yet thou" replied Heidi; "We were trying to figure out how to tell them without running the risk of Heidi's dad breaking my legs" said Kyle, "Okay I'm glad you two are taking full responsibility by not letting the baby being born out of wedlock" said Shelia, "I was actually planning to propose to Heidi before I found out about her pregnancy" replied Kyle kissing Heidi's lips, "Well your father and I are leaving for a vacation now we need you to watch Emily for a few weeks" said Shelia.

"Sure mum" replied Kyle as Shelia and Gerald left; "Okay what do we tell my parents?" asked Heidi; "Well we do have the house to ourselves so we could invite them for dinner or something then tell them at dinner" replied Kyle, "Okay sounds good oh and about the wedding I know it's a long way off and we haven't set a date yet but I think that when you see Stan next and a few of your friends you should ask them if they want to be the groomsman and I'll ask Wendy and Bebe if they want to be some of my bridesmaids and your little cousin can be a flower girl" said Heidi. pulling out the new phone she had and calling her parents. MISS TURNER:"Hello oh hi Heidi" HEIDI:" hi mum Kyle's parent have gone on vacation for a few weeks so Kyle and I were wondering if you'd like to come to dinner at around 7 because Kyle and I need to talk to you about something and we'd rather tell you in person and not over the phone" MISS TURNER:"Okay we'll be there" they hung up as they went downstairs to see Emily on the couch watching gangs of new York and did not know if they liked the violent battle scene in the start, "Hey Emily what are you watching?" asked Kyle, "I don't like this movie Kyle it's too violent but Butters put the remote out of my reach" replied Emily "Butters what the hell she's too young to be watching this" said Kyle, "sorry Kyle" replied Butters.

Kyle found the remote and changed it to a cartoon channel, and they went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. "Hey Emily we have company tonight" said Kyle, "So do I have to stay in the bedroom and not have anything to eat tonight?" asked Emily, "What? No Emily Broflovski what makes you think that I'd never ever make you go without dinner?" asked Kyle, "It's just that when I watched the first Alvin and the chipmunks Dave made Alvin and his brothers wait in the other room without dinner" replied Emily, "Emily that was just a movie like I said I'd never let you go without dinner" said Kyle kissing his little cousin on the cheek. "I love you Kyle" said Emily hugging Kyle, "I love you too" replied Kyle hugging her back and kissing her cheek.


Knock, knock, knock

"Hey guys" said Mr. and Miss Turner as they walked in, and they ate dinner, "I'll be back shortly just going to chuck her in the bath and get her into her pyjamas and get her settled in for the night" said Kyle picking up a pasta covered Emily and taking her upstairs and into the bathroom where he filled the tub; "Okay Emily get undressed" said Kyle as the little girl got undressed and Kyle helped her in the tub and He smeared her special children shampoo in her hair, "Okay Emily on 3. 1 2 3" said Kyle dunking her head in and out of the water; "He- he – he again, again!" said Emily, "Okay one more time" replied Kyle as he did it one more time, "Okay time to get out" said Kyle, "Oh what's going on?" asked Miss Turner.

"Oh Miss Turner can you block the doorway real quick because she tends to run off after she's had a bath?" asked Kyle, "Sure" replied Miss Turner standing in the doorway; "Thanks" said Kyle grabbing a towel and drying her off then wrapped Emily in a towel and took her into the bedroom before grabbing her some spare pyjamas. Once Kyle got Emily into her onsie pyjamas he put her in front of the TV; "Okay Emily you can watch a movie while the grownups talk for a little while and then its bedtime" said Kyle kissing her cheek and putting the page master. "Okay we'll be in the kitchen if you need us" said Kyle kissing her and walking into the kitchen.

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