chapter I

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Heidi Broflovski was lying in bed, when her lovely husband Kyle was still asleep. When she heard a pair of tiny feet heading towards the bedroom; Heidi counted down from five, when her and Kyle's three year old son Jake burst thru the door; "MORNING MUMMY MORNING DADDY!" he yelled excitedly, jumping into bed with them and cuddling his mother. "Good morning my sweet little angle" replied Heidi cuddling and kissing her little boy; "Mummy can I start watching a show called two and a half men?" asked Jake, "Heck no that is a naughty show" replied Heidi, "Emily and Tommy watch two and a half men" said Jake, "Yes but Tommy and Emily are seven you're three, and they shouldn't be watching it around you" replied Heidi, "They don't I try to watch it with them but they tell me not to" said Jake, when a knock at the door was heard; "Yea?" asked Heidi, "Emily's having an asthma attack" replied Tommy, "Oh god" said Heidi grabbing Emily's inhaler that they kept on their night stand since she slept on an air matrass in Kyle and Heidi's room and they preferred to keep the her inhalers with them so she didn't accidently use it up or loos it when they went out and took it downstairs where Emily was, "Mummy Daddy really likes to sleep" replied Jake, licking his finger and sticking it in Kyle's ear. "I hope that's your finger and not your Willy" said Kyle, "It's my finger Daddy" replied Jake; "Where's Mummy?" asked Kyle, "Emily's having an asthma attack" replied Jake;
"Oh okay" said Kyle kissing his son on the head. "I love you daddy" said Jake kissing his father's cheek; "I love you too buddy" replied Kyle kissing him back; that's when Jake snuggled Kyle and Kyle realised Jake's pyjama pants were wet and a small amount of his pyjama shirt; "Oh god Jake out of bed mate" said Kyle.

"Why do I have to get out of bed Daddy?" asked Jake; "Your pyjamas are wet" replied Kyle, "okay Daddy" said Jake hopping out of bed. As Kyle got out of bed and gently took hold of Jake's little hand; "You're not going anywhere until we get you out of your wet pyjamas Mister" said Kyle as he undid the buttons on Jake's pyjama top before sliding it off his shoulders, before undoing the little bow that kept Jake's pyjama pants up, and pulled them off. Revealing his pull-ups, (Quick A/N in case you guys don't know pull ups are a type of nappy or diaper that little kids usually wear to bed in case they have a wet night) Kyle pulled off Jake's pull-ups leaving him nude, and he sped off before Kyle could get him dressed; "Three year olds" Kyle muttered to himself before changing the sheets that Jake would've gotten wet. Jake sped downstairs where Heidi was fixing breakfast; "and just where in the world are all your clothes?" asked Heidi in a teasing way; "I wet my bed mummy and Daddy had to get me out of my wet pyjamas" replied Jake as Heidi was kind of glad that he was nude, this way when he ate breakfast he would only get it all over himself and not on his nice clean clothes; "There you go sweetie" said Heidi; placing a plate of his favourite breakfast jam on toast with hot chocolate, "Emily Tommy you guys wanna have your breakfast?" asked Heidi, as Emily who was staying with Kyle and Heidi for summer break, and Tommy who was sleeping over a few nights; came in and Heidi gave them the same thing for breakfast, as Kyle emerged downstairs with Jake's wet pyjamas and his wet bed sheets along with their wet bed sheets; "Kyle I just put those sheets on our bed yesterday" said Heidi.

"Yes but Jake wet the bed and he got it on our sheets" replied Kyle kissing Heidi Jake and Emily; before ruffling Tommy's hair, "yes it was a little obvious that he'd wet the bed because he came downstairs nude" said Heidi kissing her husband's lips; as he thru the bed sheets in the washing machine along with Jake's pyjamas, then he went back upstairs to put some fresh sheets on their bed then he put some on Jake's bed. Later that day, "Hey Heidi you wanna get lunch together you know maybe just the two of us?" asked Kyle, "that does sound nice but what about the kids?" asked Heidi, "Well Emily and Tommy may only be seven, but they've watched Jake on their own before not for long but they're quite mature for their age" replied Kyle, "M Okay" said Heidi walking over to the kids where Emily and Tommy were still eating while Jake had gotten his food all over his little body while Tommy and Emily only got some on their faces, "okay kids once we get the three of you washed up, Kyle and I are going to lunch so can you two babysit Jake for us please?" asked Heidi; "Sure Heidi" replied Emily and Tommy; "Thanks" said Heidi walking over to a Jam covered Jake, "Jake sweetie, once we get you cleaned up Daddy and I are going out for a little while, and Tommy and Emily are going to watch you, so whatever they say goes; and if you're naughty, I'm giving them permission to smack your bare butt and put you in a time out, so come on finish your breakfast so we can give you a bath" said Heidi, "Okay Mummy" replied Jake kissing her; "Heidi if you guys wanna go now Tommy and I can get him in the shower with us" said Emily; "Okay thankyou Emily" replied Heidi since Jake liked to join His parents in the shower, he even joined his grandparents and Stan and Bebe in the shower when they were over.

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