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Soobin's POV:

It's the first day of college today , and I have a feeling its going to be the same experience again for me , being surrounded by people again like every other college I've been to ,I have to constantly shift because my parents are one of the super popular models in Korea and because of their jobs I have to cope up with that , call me narcissist but I strongly believe that people come to like me pretty fast one of the majors reasons being my parents popularity in Korea and their genes in me of course , and I do love being the center of attention so its an win-win situation for me I guess .

As I introduced myself to the class I was met with many curious and heart eyes in the class but there were one pair of fox-like siren eyes but those eyes weren't looking at me curiously rather those eyes were never interested in looking at me , for the first time in my life I felt the need for those eyes to look at me and me only they were filled with so much void ,so many secrets hidden behind them I wanted to know them all , I needed to explore everything behind them.

When I was told to take my seat wherever I wanted to I took it as a sign and sat just beside the row to that one person , I wanted to sit right beside him but didn't want to be obvious , and as the class started I had the luxury to look at the face of the person with those interesting eyes , I was..... Speechless , those plump pouty lips , his pale skin , his eyebrows furrowed with concentration and the mole right beside his eyes enhancing his beauty , nothing could even describe how beautiful he was , he was the most gorgeous person I've ever seen , I have to know him , I have to see him smile were the only thoughts that were running in my mind until..

" Excuse me ? Can you stop staring at me , is there something on my face ? You're making me uncomfortable " the person I was unknowingly stared at said with a soft honey coated like voice , ohh even his voice is beautiful I thought staring at him again. With his feathery voice, I could hardly hear him speak above the noise.

" EXCUSE ME , Can't you hear me?! " He now somewhat yelled now and I was now out of my daze ,but ouchh that tone hurt, I didn't give him a nice first impression it seems , well I do believe in my charms and am sure I'll work my way through.

" I-I'm so sorry , I was just thinking of something and happen to stare at you , really sorry to make you uncomfortable um mr.? " I said with a light smile ,but way to go choi soobin with such an lame excuse, really? and did I just stutter? oh my god ,well atleast he'll tell me his name I thought .

But he just gave me an side-eye and went back to concentrate to whatever was being taught on ,Its going to be harder than I think, is he that unapproachable ?, I won't give up though I smirked and started thinking of ways to approach him . And with that the lecture ended , he soon started to get ready to leave for his next lecture and I thought of going behind him but just then I was surrounded by people again covering my view of him , as I lost the sight of him .

I've never been so annoyed for being the center of attention but right now I'm about to explode with anger in front of these people but I've got to control my self , I can use my image to my advantage and get some information about Mr.fox-eyes . So I calmed self up and somehow got out of the crowd and made my way to the canteen.

As I reached the canteen I sat somewhere in the corner alone because right now I needed to clear my head , but then I heard 2 people bickering right beside me and then laughing and then our eyes met , they somehow started a conversation with me and their cheerful aura made my mood lighten up , we 3 connected their names were taehyun and hueningkai they were a year younger then me . As we were conversing about random things taehyun said..

" So you seem new here , did you transfer here ? And you look like someone I can't put my hands onto " 

" Wait even I thought that , OHH MY GODD!! Aren't you the son of the famous model Choi Mingyu and Choi Truya!!!?? " Kai said screaming while shaking my shoulders and I had to cover his mouth because he was screaming so much .

" Yeah ,Yeah you're right just please stop screaming you are bring the crowd here again that I'm desperately trying to avoid " I said with my hands still covering his mouth and he stopped screaming .

" See I knew it " Kai said with a smug look on his face , looking at taehyun.

" Yeah yeah , stop acting up now you bimbo , anyways soobin you seemed to be stressed about something want to share it with us we might be able to help you out " Taehyun said looking at me with sincere eyes .

" It's just there's someone ,I really want to know but he seems so mysterious that I don't know anything about him not even his name , I wished I atleast knew his name " I said whining to them as if they were my friends for so long .

" Don't worry hyung , I'm sure we'll know him if we see him , kai knows almost everyone here so he might help as well " Taehyun said smiling .

" Yeah I do have quite a influence here you see, what year is he in? " kai asked .

" Same year as me , seemed to be in the literature major , and is super pretty " I said while I automatically smiled at the thought of him.

" Hmm you are really deep down for him huh, lets see wait let me ask my friend for this years class photobook for his major , we'll find him if he isn't new " Kai said having that smugly looking face again bring his phone in front of him.

Now I know why taehyun gets so irritated with kai every now and then , as kai was calling his friend and we waited somehow my heart was beating fast in anticipation and then kai got the photo in his phone .

" He sent it to me ! Lets quickly search for him now !" kai said , showing us the picture and as we were looking at it my gaze fall upon him , on the most beautiful person smiling lightly and my world seemed to stop. 

" Hyung ! did you find him ? " Taehyun said , shaking me out of my daze what is happening to me today ? I quickly nodded my head and pointed him out.

" Ohh Myy Godd hyung , you are in big trouble !! You really had to fall for the person with whom you'll have 0 chance with , He is Choi Yeonjun , a literal nerd who barely talks to anyone and on top of that has 4 brothers all from professional and influential  backgrounds being overprotective over him " Kai said while shaking his head with a hand on his face.

But the moment I heard his name , I didn't seem to hear anything else kai said , even his name was so pretty was the only thing I was thinking and I whispered..


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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