Chapter 5: Meeting Yuuki and getting her things

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Vanny's POV

*While everything is happening with moon at the plex*

I smile widely as I finally pull into a parking space outside of (Y/N)'s apartment, unbuckling my seatbelt and opening my door I slide out of the car and approach the door, keys in hand. 'Wow this is a nice place, maybe at some point I could relocate us here instead of at the plex,' I think, as i look around admiring the area, out front of the complex there's a medium sized parking lot, and the front of the building is dotted with doors with address numbers painted onto them evenly spaced apart with windows, flower beds, and small bushes. The whole area has a forest behind it stretching as far as I can see while on the left of tne building there is what appeared to be a small park, and the left is a concrete building that reads 'HURRICANE'S TOP STORAGE UNIT' in big bold red lettering. Quickly and quietly I unlock (Y/N)'s door and step inside silently closing the door behind me. Once I make sure the door is closed properly I turn around and I am immediately met a small grayish cat meowing and rubbing her head against my leg, almost as if she is greeting me and asking for something. "Oh hello there! You must be (Y/N)'s cat Yuuki, you're soo pretty," I croon to the kitty as I lean down and scratched behind her ears. The cat, whom I am assuming is Yuuki Taru, flicks her tail and lets out a high pitched pur (My cat seriously has the cutest and scariest pur ever, it's like a mix of a cat pur and the sound a racoon makes :)) withdrawing my hand slightly startled by the unusual sound she turns her back on me turns her head to me with a look as if to say 'come on peasant follow me', with no idea of what else to do I sigh and follow the very obviously spoiled cat as she leads me to...her food bowl. Shocked I glanced at the feline and see her what I can only assume is her incredibly smug expression I sigh, " Alright Yuuki, where does (Y/N) keep your food then?" I ask sarcastically not expecting an answer. To my surprise and mild amusement she hops down from her purch (hehe get it?) on the bathroom counter and leads me to a small navy coloured 5 gallon sized bucket in the corner, confused I open the lid and see cat food inside. "Gods you're a smart cat aren't you?" I coo as I scratch her ears once again and scoop some food into her empty bowl on the counter. Purring she hops back up and begins eating her food. Turning away I make my way to my little bunny's room and walk in. Upon entering I m met with (F/A) (favorite anime), (F/M) (favorite movie), (f/vg) (favorite video gane),and (H/H) (hogwarts house) posters tact up on one wall, 3 or 4 pride flags on another and a few paintings on the wall with an average sized window, a tv sitting right below that. A net full of about 2 dozen squishmallows hung from the ceiling above a twin sized bed in the corner dressed in Moon Drop paraphernalia (fight me XD) on the remaining wall next to the door there's a large book shelf containing (F/BS) (favorite book series) and a few action figure funko pops. Confused I look around, "Where on earth is her closet/dresser?" I mumble to myself looking around to see if I had missed anything. I soon notice, behind one of the pride flags in the far left corner of the room is a closet with a wooden dresser in it, "Smart girl," I say to myself with a proud smile on my face, walking over to the dresser I pull out a few spare sets of clothes, I grab a )F/C) hoodie, three pairs of black jeans and three (S/F/) t-shirts. Once I grabbed her clothes I turn back to the bed and notice a (F/A) (favorite animal) plushie sitting on her pillows, the plushie looked well loved so out of instinct I reach over and grab it tucking it into the bag with her clothes. Exiting the room, I make my way back to the bathroom to grab Yuuki and some food for her so I could surprise my lovely (Y/N). Picking Yuuki up I place her into a cat carrier I had found in a closet, zipping up the carrier I walk into the kitchen grab a large zip lock baggie, I go back and fill the baggie with the cat food. Tucking that away into a bag along with the food and water dishes I head to the kitchen once again to grab some snacks. Looking through the pantries and fridge I end up grabbing some (F/S), (F/f) (favorite fruit), and (F/D). "Alright, that should be all for now, time to head back to my (Y/N) and make sure she is ok," I say to no one as I gather Aall the bags and Yuuki as I head out of the apartment, making sure to lock the door behind me. However as I begin the 30 minute drive back to the plex I can't help but get the feeling something bad is about to happen.

895 words

A/N Hey all! Sorry I know this chapter is really short  but it;s more of a filler while I work on a special chapter. As always remember to go check out the original book @ratcasseroleand remember to stay safe and healthy! I love you all so much and would appreciate any and all feed back. BYE! PS the pic above is my irl cat Yuuki Taru

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