01| Chisuke

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My name is Chisuke Aderon.

Son of Roniyo Aderon and Dorichi Kasuich.

Brother of Sentos and Remdi Aderon.

And I am an abnormality.

"The results are back in, there's good news and bad news, which one would you like to hear first?"

The sound of the doctor's voice fills my ears as he holds a file in his hand, staring at my parents through his rectangular lenses.

I've been to many doctors, way more than I can count.

Still I can never fight off the unnerving chill that runs down my spine every time I am met with the familiar white room.

"Uh Good news." My mother says shakily, her smile faulting.

I make eye contact with the doctor for a split second before he nervously looks down at the file and fakes a smile.

"Good news, Chisuke is doing very well in the testing, there are no clogs in his veins or blood stream in general, he's perfectly healthy and fine."

"And the bad news?" My father, Roniyo, asked, his cold voice sending chills down my spine although I did not show it.

"He won't be able to participate in the entrance exam, or use his quirk as frequently as a hero or hero in training does." The man stated quickly, as if trying to speed up the process.

My parents tensed up behind me, my mother placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a worried look.

However, I on the other hand didn't know how to feel, the suppressors I took before the testing hadn't worn off and I wasn't able to feel anything.

"Then what the hell are we paying for then?!" My father yelled, slamming his fist on a nice designed table to his right.

"Sir we're doing everything we ca—"

"I was told this was the best hospital in Japan! The entrance exam is in three days and you have done nothing but waste our time and money!" My mother joined in, gripping my shoulder a little tighter.

"With all due respect Mr and Mrs Aderon, his quirk was not designed for fighting, rather for doing little things like to pick up a book, place something down and so on.." The doctor began calmly, pausing to adjust his glasses before continuing.

"I was told that there would be giant obstacles he'd have to face in order to pass the entrance exam, if he used his quirk that much his blood would be all over the place!" The doctor exclaimed, "And I'm not sure UA's staff will be able to help him recover from that much blood loss."

The room was uncomfortably silent before my mother spoke up finally.

"There has to be some sort of solution right? How about another operation?"

I shiver at the word operation, not many people have blood manipulation as a quirk, so you can only imagine how happy the doctors were to have an opportunity to bisect me, the worst part is the pain killers they used weren't strong enough to block out the feeling of them pressing a surgical knife on my skin and slicing my flesh open.

"Well there is a solution, but it could cause a possible problem in the future." The doctor says, adjusting his glasses yet again.

"What is it?" My father asks.

"We could give him certain drugs, to make sure the blood clots in such away it causes no harm to his system and doesn't spill all over the place."

"What kind of drugs?" My mother asks judgementally, eyeing him up and down.

"With the right permits, we could teach Chisuke how to work a syringe, the syringe would contain a liquid that once injected into his system will perform the task I mentioned earlier, it wears off every two weeks but it should help him succeed in the entrance exam."

"And this will cause no harm to his health?" My father asked, sounding like he was considering the doctor's 'solution'.

"The only harm that will be done is to whatever he is facing in the entrance exam." The doctor smiled smugly, knowing damn well he had won them over.

"Come into my office and we'll discuss the payment details and documents necessary."

And with that my parents followed him as he walked into his office, leaving me alone in the cold, white room, on a white, hard hospital bed, wondering what I did in my past life to end up with parents that care more about me being a hero than my mental health.

UA I hope you're worth it.

Scratch that.

You better be worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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