Rin x Reader

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Rin could tell something was up with me. He saw through my façade. I was sad about having to move to America. I haven't told him yet and I'm moving In week... I sigh heavily. "Oi, what's wrong you've been like this for over a week now." Rin said sitting on the steps outside my apartment with me.
We live in the same complex. I recently had to move into my parents apartment with them because of financial reasons, and now my dad has a job offer in America and I have a collage scholarship offer out there close to where my parents will be living.
I looked up at Rin. "I.... I'm moving." He smiled "That's awesome like out into your own house!?" "No Rin... Like... I'm moving... Out of the country... To America..." His smile quickly faded and replaced with a sad expression. "How long do you have...?" "A week." I sad looking at my feet. He ran his fingers through his maroon hair and sighed. He looked over at my with a half hearted smile. "Don't worry you'll have fun there. After all your English I fucking amazing!" I nodded slowly still looking at the floor. Rin and I have been friends since we were little. We met in Australia and we both moved to Japan around the same time. Ever since I met Rin I've been in love. "Look (Y/N)..." He said getting down to eye level with me. He was so close. "I'll be here for you always. I mean like your one of my best friends." I sighed. "Yeah friends..." I whispered under my breath.

Rin drove my family to the airport. He looked nervous about something. You parents looked at me and smiled. "Don't worry (Y/N) America will be great and I promise this is our last move." I nodded.
We pulled up to the parking lot and got out out bags. I turned around and was instantly wrapped up into strong arms. The scent of Rin filled my nose. He was sniffling. Great he was crying! Tears started to weal up in your eyes. "I'm gunna miss you so much (Y/N)." "I'll miss you too." I said now at the point of full out sobbing. My parents were already walking away letting Rin and I have our final moments. "(y/n)... I have a confession..." He looked away with his face flushed. "I like you a lot... I'm sorry for waiting this long to tell you but... I was scared." I started to bawl even harder. "Rin I like you too... A lot..." Rin held me close an planted a kiss on top of my head. "Your plane is leaving soon." He stated face still slightly red. I wiped my eyes. "I know..." I said looking up at him. "I promise I'll come visit next summer." He smiled and nodded. "See you later (Y/N)." He said giving me one final hug and getting in the car. I waved and started to cry again. It's going to be a long painful year.

Four year later
I got off the plane and took a deep breath. It had been two years since you have visited Japan. I finished up collage and was moving back to Japan, with my boyfriend of two years, Rin Matsuoka. I grabbed your luggage and ran toward the exit. Sure I had many Skype calls with Rin but being able to see the real thing for the for time in 2 years I might die. I looked around the floor and spotted a tall maroon haired male. My eyes started to water as a sprinted towards my boyfriend. I wrapped my arms around him from behind. "Rin..." I said inhaling his scent. He spun me around and pulled me into a deep kiss. "Welcome home (Y/N)." He said smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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