Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Ashley's POV

"COME ON, you know you want to," he says, his amber eyes filled with lust.

I do want to. I also want to get to class on time. Get good grades. And get into medical school.

"You made me late last time, Keith."

"That was different. We have a whole hour until our next class."

True. We're not as rushed as we were in the morning on the first day.

"Okay, but I need time to put my clothes back on and get to third period before the bell rings."

"You're the boss," he smirks and I lead him into the girls' bathroom.

He eagerly enters the biggest stall and I lock the door behind us. I crash my lips on his and he hungrily returns every kiss. His hands slide down my hips to my ass. I tangle my hand in his hair and he pulls me in closer, deepening the kiss. One thing leads to another and before long, we are both exploring each other's bare bodies.

I moan into his mouth as he continuously hits my g-spot. I orgasm for a second time and he groans as he finds his release. The thrusts slow to a stop and he pulls out, then throws away the used condom. I grab my bra off the floor and dust it off before I put it on.

He notices me struggling to hook it from the back and says, "Here, let me help."

"Thank you," I smile.

I can do it by myself but it's nice that he saved me time trying to clasp it. He grins before shoving his jeans up. I slip my panties and dress back on as he pulls his shirt down, covering his chest that always seems to radiate heat.

I open the door and take a peek before saying, "Coast is clear."

We both quickly wash our hands, dry them, and leave the girls' washroom.

"Thank you for another good time," he says when we stop by my locker so I can pick up what I need for my next two classes.

"My pleasure," I flirtatiously respond and he smirks.

There's a brief pause before he asks, "Are you going to homecoming with anyone?"

"No," I answer, a little skeptical because part of me is worried that Keith may have caught feelings.

"I know we agreed to keep things casual and I don't intend to change that. I was just wondering if we could evolve from a fling to friends with benefits."

"I'm down for that. What does that entail for you?"

"Well, I was hoping that we could do more than just hook up. I would like to do other things with you...maybe even hang out outside of school."

"Okay," I nod and prompt him to continue as I can tell he has more to say.

He loosely runs a hand through his dirty blonde hair and takes a deep breath in before his amber eyes bore into mine.

"Will you be my date to homecoming?" Before I can answer, he quickly adds, "We would go together as friends."

"Yes, that sounds nice."

He looks relieved and smiles, "Awesome, I'll pick you up at 8."

Keith walks with me to my next class, even though we both know he doesn't have to.

"Bye Ashley."

"Bye," I reply and return his smile before he disappears down the hallway.

I enter the room and sit down just as the bell rings.

What perfect timing.

*Connor's POV *


Who the hell is that guy that Ashley was just with? Why were they smiling at each other like that? I clench my fist, fighting the urge to punch him in the face just for looking at her.

I take a deep breath and relax my hands, resting them on top of my jeans. My jealousy dissolves completely when I look over at her.

I could get lost in those beautiful green eyes of hers.

Wait, what am I thinking? I only want to have sex with her. That's it.

But the way her face lights up when she's happy and her pink lips curve into a smile...

No. No. Where is your head at, Connor? Stop daydreaming about Ashley and focus.

Dr. Anthony Fauci goes around and places a tray with a dead pig on it down on the table. The sight alone disgusts me, not to mention the horrible smell of whatever chemical they used to preserve it.

"You good, man?" Blake asks, noticing my reaction.

"I think I'm going to be sick."

"Maybe get some air then."

I take his advice and leave the room, trying my best not to puke.

I take a deep breath before entering the class again. As I walk over to our table, I notice that Ashley looks fine, in more ways than one. Her hands are steady as she cuts the corpse open.

How is she so calm during all this?

Blake hands me gloves and I slip them on. I pick up the scalpel and hover it over the dead pig.

This is gross but if Ashley can do it, so can I.

I make my first incision and look away for a second, fighting the nausea threatening to climb up my throat. I continue with the blade before securing the various parts with metal pins. I let Blake do the rest because I simply cannot handle touching the organs.

I have my limits too.

Our teacher comes over and makes notes on his clipboard. "Thank you, boys. You can place the tray on the back table and clean up your station."

We follow his instructions. Blake carries the dissected corpse because if I see it again, I might just vomit my lunch all over the floor. I throw my gloves away and wash my hands. I know they are not dirty, I just feel like they are because of the sickening sight. Yuck.

I carefully clean the tools in the sink. I have practice handling sharp objects so I know how to avoid hurting myself. I dry them with a paper towel and place them back neatly in the kit. Everyone returns to their table and Dr. Fauci goes around, handing out our dissection evaluations. I scan the paper for a mark.


It's a little lower than I would like but hey, at least we passed.

"Good job," I fist bump Blake.

"You too, Con."

In all honesty, I'm kind of surprised I'm not failing this class. Even though athletics is my specialty, I do pretty well academically. I'm okay at Biology since I can research and whatnot. I just don't do well with blood and organs. Hopefully we won't do shit like that again. Or at least I'll have a partner who knows what they are doing. Don't get me wrong, Blake is my best bud and he's like the brother I never had. I just prefer to work with a skilled student like Ashley Smith, even if her goddess looks can be very distracting.

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