Rebel Profile: Marigold Lockes

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Full Name
Marigold Zinnia Lockes

Blondie Lockes

Parent's Story

Powerful Qualities
Spontaneous | Helpful | Generous

Fleur Charming

Secret Heart's Desire
I wanna take the fairytale world by storm with my skills.

My "Magic" Touch
I'm super fast, I can outrun anything... I mostly find myself needing to outrun my brother when he's angry though.

Storybook Romance Status
Not even looking right now, got to deal with myself before I'm even ready to start thinking about a relationship.

"Oh Curses!" Moment
I tend to steal things a lot but if it makes it any better, I do give the stuff back... most of the time. Sorry to that girl I stole a pencil from 5 years ago.

Favourite Subject
Grimmnastics. I love seeing the looks on the boys' faces when I beat them!

Least Favourite Subject
Crownculus. I can't... I don't understand math. Why are there letters?! I thought math was about numbers!

Best Friends Forever After
My girl Maple Wood has never steered me wrong once... mostly because she can't lie. I guess my twin brother, Blaine, is pretty cool too.

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