A/N(Dont worry its nothing bad!!)

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Hi! So at this rate, for the new readers and for the old. You must be incredibly upset with the fact the next parts haven't come out. Well, I am in fact multitasking. I have multiple stories I'm working on and the looming fact I have Marching Band in real life. Some chapters may take longer to be made. It's alright though! I'm working on it! No need to become disinterested in this story. I'm working on it, here's some ideas I have for this.. which may contain spoilers. You never know.

1. Tommy comes over and literally doesn't let go of Ranboo and Charlie for hours

2. Wilbur rushes back and won't leave until he knows Ranboo and everyone else involved in the ShowTell shit is okay and living

3. Patch gets put into jail and Ranboo gets treated as a hero

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