Chapter 5: The Notebook Hunt

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Iratus was trying to collect his notebooks he had to be stealthy. Made it past Principal, Playtime, and even Gotta Sweep, but still he had more and more to collect. He ran away from 1st Prize. and managed to make it. He finally collected all 7 notebooks, but then Baldi found him and started to chase him. He ran faster and faster he ran to one exit, then another, he reached his 3rd exit. He was on his way to the fourth when all of a sudden Arts and Crafters was angry and came at him. He was shocked and tried running faster, but he was going as fast as he could. All of a sudden 1st prize came and pushed him faster then Arts and Crafters. 1st Prize soon came to a stop. Iratus soon finally reached his fourth exit and escaped Baldi's Schoolhouse. He was walking home when he saw Johnny. Iratus had 300 YCTPoints. He went over to his store. He noticed Johnny had a No sign for some reason. Iratus gave 200 YCTPoints for it. He soon gave 100 for a Bsoda. He knew it could be used later. He soon started to walk home and said, "Bon Voyage Here School!"

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