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WELL, that certainly wasn't part of the plan. after the whole bathtub ordeal, misty had spent the day wracking her brain for an idea on how to approach such a wrench in her plan. she knew that the truth would have to come out, but she certainly didn't expect it to be so soon. the ritual had its risks but being spotted was not even in the top five. she had to keep telling herself that it was simply bad timing, it's fixable

misty had spent the day pacing around her apartment, biting down her nails, freshly picked of her nail polish. with graduation day getting closer there was little opportunity to communicate with the slayer, but she made sure to keep her tabs on her. it was this morning that she had woken up at the hospital, it had been a couple of hours since her last locator spell. she had the items laid out on the small dining table, this sort of thing took such ease that misty simply too a deep breath and closed her eyes. the incantation rolled off her tongue. and with that, her eyes darted open, her brows furrowed.

"the school's library?" 

* * *

she didn't expect to be walking into a place that she had seen blow up for the second time. in the back of her mind she was hoping it would happen already, the aura's here were just too muddled for her, teenagers were just too much. though on her arrival, she realized it was quieter than usual, certainly not as many students as last time. then she read the graduation banner above the door, it was today. this created a little bit of a problem of actually getting in there unnoticed. which wasn't something that really caused much of a hassle for her normally. she checked her glove box for the usual lock picking kit, for once she hadn't misplaced it. 

"score."  she muttered with a certain smugness. least she didn't have to go the more brutish route, though there was quite a few good breakable looking windows. turning her attention away from such, she headed round to find a backdoor, not exactly wanting any graduating students to see her walk through the main door as though she was one of their fellow students. and misty was always bad at pretending to know people's names. she kept a look out as she found a quiet backdoor, it was at times like these that she wish she knew a way to open a lock that didn't involve a magical explosion, so she didn't have to kneel down on the concrete in her favorite pants.

once in, she took in the quiet halls, it was an eerie contrast to her last visit; coupled with the fact that it was going to crumble and lead to no one walking these halls again lead to a unknown bitter taste in her mouth. something she was quick to shrug off as she attempted to find the library. she heard a few distant conversations as students seemed to arriving, but she lacked interest and instead followed the arrows that lead to the library. she was expecting for it to grow quieter, however, that familiar voice echoed out. she was commanding the room as usual. misty took a deep breath as she eavesdropped, buffy spoke of how this faith told her about the mayor's weakness-- before remembering the other girl, it seemed like it was foggy in her mind. perhaps she didn't need to come clean, however as that thought crossed her mind, it was quickly interrupted by another british accent.

"what are you doing?"  clearly, she was not supposed to be here, or hear what they were talking about but her mind didn't seem to want to come up with something to get her out of hot water, instead it lacked the filter that she needed in the moment. 

"there's another one of you?!"  her exclamation seemed to gain the attention of those inside as the talking stopped.  "well, guess i should make my entrance now."  she turned away from the man who failed to keep her out of the library, and pushed open the doors. 

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