that bloody spider p1

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"just give it back Sprout you stupid little-"
"Ive told you enough times, Misty, i dont have it!"

Mistys toy spider had gone missing.

"Yes you do Sprout!"
"No i don't!"

It was then that Pip walked in, "whats going-"
"Why would i want it anyway?! No one wants that ugly looking thing-"
Misty threw a pillow at him, as hard as she could
"YOU'RE the 'ugly looking thing', Cabbage boy."
"Its not MY fault you were irresponsible"
"Oh i am SO going to hurt you-"

Pip rose her voice then
"Whats going on??" She repeated herself
Only this time, they actually listened.
"He stole my spide-"
"No i didnt!"
She fought to hide a giggle, she knew exactly where it was.
The battle, however, was short-lived, and she definitely lost it.
Misty dropped the pillow that she was intending to hit Sprout with.
"You know where it is." She stated, glaring daggers at the rock chic.
"Never said that" Pip spoke through airy laughter
"Pip." She stalked slowly towards  the taller of the two
"Dude has him" Pip answered calmly, yes it was a lie, but did she care? No. Not really.
"That stupid-"
Sprout cleared his throat loudly, cutting her off.
"Just you wait till im done with him sprout." She narrowed her eyes at the boy in question before hightailing it out the room.

Omg I actually struggled writing this I have absolutely no motivation at all rip </3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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