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August 2019

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I've come to claim my title as the leader in the group. You know the one that is always looking out for the younger ones and being the person everyone in the group would go to first for any advice from the most microscale problems to the immense ones. Yet, i've never thought i'd be in this position of what I am in today. The things I'd do for these fools.

"LeLe, it's stuck! Please help!" My dearest friend pleads as he hides in the restroom in the hall of our school. Sometimes I wake up knowing the outrageous shenanigans that they will get into and unfortunately I would still choose to get up out of the bed and watch them unfold.

"No one told you to skip class to wank off in the restroom. Let alone with a sex toy. Zexter we've been through this. If you are craving during class, divert your fantasies about pretty women onto Ms. Churning."

"Fuck no! I'd rather die!"

"Unfortunately, you'd be missed so that's not an option as of right now." I sigh in exasperation. Zexter Hollins everyone. He's one of my greatest friends that I'd protect from the world yet murder him in private. He's a 19 year old playboy whose mind only runs on one thing and that is to live life for himself. He is a ladies man who finds himself in unscrewable situations sometimes. But my favorite thing about would be that he would do anything for his little brothers' happiness.

Zexter's secret: He is a sex addict.

Zexter has been addicted to sex since he was 15 years old. Can you believe it? A 15 year old child lost their virginity and couldn't keep it off his mind since then. I think people sometimes get the perception of a sex addict wrong most times. For example, I remember when we first found out about his problem our other friends immediately thought he was craving physical sex every second. I still sometimes wonder how half of them ended up in Princeton. Ever since that reveal, we have done everything to try to help him overcome his addiction or make it less hard for him.

"Please Leland, this hurts !" He exclaims.

We are trying this new method out where he halts all physical activity for a week and if he doesn't we threaten to send him to professional help: which he hates by the way. But it wouldn't be Zexter if he didn't break the rules every ten seconds. Which leds to his current predicament with him currently having his manhood affixed in a sex toy.

It is actually saddening to see my friend like this. He said to me once that after he feels these urges and almost caves into them, he feels like a pervert. I tell him all the time he shouldn't but that is obviously true to some extent.

"I shouldn't because you shouldn't be in this situation right now. You should be in class learning about Aristotle not exploiting an inappropriate non-school device." I exclaim tapping my feet violently. Even though I do not need to be in class physically, because I am smarter than this entire school combined, I do favor the feeling of being around people who struggle to comprehend the littlest of information about lectures they should have grasped in secondary education. Honestly, I could have skipped college all together. With or without a degree I would have built a company from scratch or obtained a role in society as the smartest chemist since Marie Curie; greatest of all time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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