𓍊𓋼𓍊 trap 𓍊𓋼𓍊

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[Changbin x Felix]

It's a wonderful evening and our favorite little elf is found skipping and singing along to an old tune he had stuck in his head from the day prior.

"You just swing to the right and then slide to the left" he sang mimicking such actions "and wiggle wiggle wiggle like you got no stress, you tie your ponytail high and the- oh". He came to a stop finding a fresh batch of strawberries lying in a basket that seemed to be abandoned completely by its original owner.

He looked right to left, left to right for any signs of another creature among him and the forest animals, as expected, there was nobody. He looked back at the basket and smiled "Guess I hit the gold pot with this one" he giggled to himself and bent down sitting on air as he reached into the basket to take out one of the bigger, redder berries and took a small bit just to make sure he would not regret it later. He shut his eyes hard as he tasted the strawberry, waiting for some sort of negative reaction but instead he was surprised when the berry was as sweet as a berry could ever be.

Changbin, of course, dug in as he had completely fallen in love with the sweet and ripe flavor the berries had. He put a few into a handkerchief he had in his pocket just in case and carefully put it back into his bag and went back to munching like a goblin who hasn't seen food in days, no offense to the goblins surrounding the area. But just as he finished up, the basket was jerked away by a string Changbin had not noticed before and was sent high above as a cage-like contraption fell down on him making him flinch in surprise and a bit of fear, trapping Changbin inside.

He inspected the cage for any loose ends he could simply bite off or kick away. Its materials consisted of large, thick bamboo and a thin but strongly tied ropes holding and bending the bamboo into its form. The bamboo was fairly parted to allow sight to what is inside to the outside and viceversa.

"Where did these materials even come from? They're not from this forest" Changbin mumbled to himself as he touched and squeezed the boards and rope. He felt and traced lines along the lines in the wood and went higher and higher, eventually looking up to find a small gap above his head, he jumped in excitement "We're out of here, baby!". 

Our dear Changbin snapped out of his head when he realized the couldn't climb the curved cage up and safely go back down, he'd have to wait for someone to help him lift the cage as he could not so on his own.

He pouted and thought for a while remembering he had brought his pocket knife along. He stuck his hand into his bag and pockets in search for the blade but nothing came of them. Changbin sighed and recurred to his last option, seeking help from those around.

"Um... this doesn't look good..." Changbin mumbled to himself. He again looked from left to right, right to left in search of another life besides him and the animals around. "Helloooo~ Anybody out there?" He hollered letting his existence be known by those possibly around the area "hellooooo" he called out once again, just hoping to be heard. He sighed, sat down and made himself comfortable for the time being.

"Today's gonna be a long day" our dear Changbin huffed pouting his rosy pink lips. All there was left to do was wait...


Now this is the part of the story where we meet Felix, our dear protagonist's savior... or not.

The young fairy had gone around practicing his flying whilst picking his favorite sour gumdrops off the gummy tree while they were still in their prime ripeness. He sniffed a few completely intoxicated by it's addicting scent that made his head spin crazy. Of course, they weren't drugs of any sort but it held quite a strong scent that could hurt anyone's nose after being exposed to it for so long, it was like scented markers if that makes any sense.

Felix giggled and flew in circles as he filled his overflowing basket, which surprisingly still held up after all those tricks and stunts Felix pulled, before finally deciding it was enough for the rest of the week. The young boy now tired from flying ran back home, skipping through the forest along to the beat of the tunes playing into his headphones. 

He laughed and giggled and twirled around as he sang "What if he's the last one I kiss? What if he's the only one I'll ever miss?" He jumped over mushrooms and smaller plants as he continued to hum and prance along the way home. Felix came to a stop when it all went dead silent "hm?" He frowned reaching into his pocket looking for the iPod he had along with him. 

"Darn, it's dead" he pouted and hid it back in, earphones and all. As he continued his walk he couldn't help but notice the top of a huge cage his brother Minho had set a few days behind. He gasped and smiled, jumping with joy "Oh, Minho will you be shocked to find me home with a puppy!" He squealed putting down his basket and draping his cloak over it before speeding off to the 'puppy trap' Minho had helped him set remembering his brothers words "if you actually catch a dog or whatever this time, I'll let you keep it. But it's your responsibility". Felix unconsciously nodded and let another squeal out as he got closer to the trap. 

He closed his eyes not wanting to spoil the surprise and sat right in front of the 'puppy trap' with his fingers crossed and wings fluttering as he displayed the biggest smile he ever had on his face "Please be a puppy, please be a puppy, please be a puppy" he whispered biting his lower before opening his eyes only to frown in disappointment "You're not a puppy" he pouted and puffed up his cheeks, his wings also drooping to show how sad he was.

The person inside the cage-like trap slept facing away from Felix completely unaware of his presence, sleeping comfortably on the soft grass under them.  They seemed so peaceful, so undisturbed... Felix had to ruin it.

He searched his pockets for a small pouch of fairy dust he sprinkled on the trap to lift it off the ground. Felix quietly approached the stranger, careful to not make any noise and scare the... elf? What was an elf doing in the forest at this time of the da- oh.

He saw the now identified male elf's face and laid himself right in front of him, he stared at the young man in awe, he was handsome as an elf could get, dark black hair, a built physique contrasting with his soft features and tinted red chubby cheeks, his button nose and rosy pink lips slightly parted gave him a cozy and adorable look Felix fell in love with. He dared to scoot closer and continue staring, it was all he could do at the moment.

Felix spoke not a word and fell asleep, trap and gummies long forgotten.



I don't proofread, correct any mistakes. Let me know if you want a second part or if this is better off how it is. (I'm not responsible for stuff my brain makes when I'm tired and uninspired pls don't judge me)

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