Chapter 1

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As if being deaf didn't already have it's disadvantages, Kale's newest job was in the shadiest part of town. He pulled his long black hair into a loose ponytail at the back of his head to clear his visual field. With his parent's wealth, and standing in the community he could have had his hearing restored. Though he was never interested. He never understood how he could miss something he never had to begin with, and didn't want to be burdened with something he was meant to live without.

His over protective parents had put him through every self-defense class there was, and he mastered them all with ease. He had always had a heightened awareness of his surroundings, so it wasn't like he was completely defenseless. Kale sighed and glanced around him out of habit he scanned his surroundings.

He spotted a group of five men down a dark alley, and turned to make his way across the street. He paused briefly when out the corner of his eye he spotted a woman thrashing and bleeding in the middle of them. Anger welled in his chest, and his fingers curled into tight fists.

His mothers face flashed through his mind, and he swallowed hard. He knew he couldn't just stand by and do nothing. He silently turned, the men hadn't noticed him yet. One step was all it took, before he knew it he was flying down the concrete. He had ripped one of the men away from the group before they noticed him.

"Kill her, and get him." One of the men said, although Kale did not hear the order.

Kale slammed the man he grabbed to the ground and ducked just as a fist went flying towards his temple. Three men threw themselves at him, and he didn't see as the fourth took a blade and plunged it into the woman's chest.

He grunted as he took a fist to his stomach and a swift kick to his knee brought him to the ground. He grabbed the fist in his stomach and twisted the mans arm behind his back as he went with the motion allowing his knee to buckle from the kick. He straightened his leg out and swept the legs out from under the man behind him.

Panting he slammed a hand into the pressure point of the male he held immobilizing him. He let him drop to the ground, and moved to stand defensively over the woman, as if daring the other men to come after him again. The one who kicked him was the brave soul who dared for a second attack. Springing to his feet he charged at Kale. When the other two saw he was distracted in defending himself they jumped back into the fray. Peppering his body in defensive wounds.

He eventually fought them off, and chased them down the ally. Positive they were gone he went back to the woman to check on her.

Kale had picked her up and cradled her against his chest, when the cops finally showed up. He didn't hear the shouts to put her down, or to turn around and put his hands in the air. Kale took care to check her pulse as this was much more blood than he was used to seeing. He frowned when he felt none.

He moved to stand and picked her up as he did. Only when he looked up did he see the red and blue lights dancing off the walls of the ally around him. He was preparing to turn when a Tazer was discharged into his back bringing him back to his knees. They sent a second shock through him and he passed out from the pain his body spazzing under the voltage.

Kale woke up in the jail cell, his body ached from the violent spazzing. He tried to ignore the burning sensation in the middle of his back as he got off the small unforgiving cot.

A police officer had walked up to the bars. "Good you're awake." He said thrusting a key into the lock. "I'm officer Lucas, it's about time we had a chat about what happened in the ally last night."

Kale frowned and eyed the officer down. He was aware the male was talking however he wasn't able to respond as the man wasn't looking at him, so he couldn't properly read his lips. He waited patiently, with his arms crossed over his chest for the male to look up at him.

"Not talking eh?" Officer Lucas asked looking at Kale as he stepped in. He pulled the cuffs from his belt loop. "Hands where I can see them." He ordered.

Kale motioned to his ears, signaling that he was deaf. "I'm sorry," He signed. "But I can't hear you. Why am I in here?"

Lucas frowned and held the cuffs up. "Hands." He repeated, this time staring Kale dead on.

Kale reluctantly held his hands out, allowing himself to be cuffed. He was led down the hallway, very clearly annoyed.

"Get me an interpreter someone who knows sign language." Officer Lucas said to one of his co-workers before leading Kale into an interrogation room.

Kale sat in one of the seats, and waited for Officer Lucas to sit before he held his hands out patiently. When the officer shook his head, he let his hands fall to the table, and laced his fingers together.

Minutes passed like hours as they sat in silence, staring each other down. Anxiety knotted in Kale's stomach, and his fingers drummed against the cool surface of the metal table. Officer Lucas sighed and started to write something on a pad of paper.

What's your name?

Kale studied the paper and picked up the pencil, before awkwardly writing out a reply.

Kale Evergreen, why am I here?

Officer Lucas frowned at the page, and shook his head.

You murdered that woman.

I did not I was trying to help her.

The evidence against you says otherwise.

What evidence?

Frustrated Officer Lucas threw his hands in the air. "For fucks sake." He started to write again. How about the fact that you were found in the ally with her body in her arms.

I was trying to help her.

You were covered in her blood, and the bruising on you body suggests there was a fight.

There was a fight, but not with her. There were five men I chased them off.

We have eyewitness reports stating otherwise. Five of them, all stating you were the culprit. The witnesses said they tried to stop you, and you beat two of them unconscious before they ran off to call the cops.

I didn't do it, you can't hold me here for a crime I didn't commit. I want a lawyer.

Very well

Kale had just given him exactly what he needed, after all innocent men don't ask for lawyers. Officer Lucas stood, and walked out leaving Kale alone in the empty interrogation room. He let out a disgruntled noise and buried his face into his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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