Chapter 1: "Nobody respects me!"

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Owen walked away from the shovel path they made. He started thinking to himself, "Nobody respects me. Nobody at all. How am I supposed to lead if no one listens to me? This is stupid."

"Owen?" Gracie asks, snapping Owen out of his thoughts. Owen turns around to face Graecie. "Hey!"
"Hi," Owen replies
"How are you doing?" Graecie asks
"Fine, thank you. How are you?" Owen replies, giving her a small smile


"There's been enough talking, Graecie," Owen says, "we're no closer to getting out of the maze."

"But talking-" Graecie gets cut off be a scoff from Owen, "helps you...feel...more like yourself, which means you function better. Which means, in reality, it'll help us get out of the maze quicker! Cause' you know I'm not gonna leave you alone until we talk."

Owen sighs as they sit down in the field of grass.

"You're in charge now, Graecie. I'm stepping down." Owen says

"Wh-what...?" Graecie asks, her eyes wide with a confused look, "What? No! ...what the heck! NO! No! No no no- I can't do this without you..."

"You can do it with Red." Owen replies quickly

"No I can't-" Graecie replies, her voice a bit shaky

"You didn't do this with me in the first place, Graecie" Owen says, his voice a bit harsh

"Owen I need you-"

"I'll still be here- maybe" Owen says the last part quietly

"Wh-what do you mean maybe?!?! Why are you stepping down!" Gracie asks, clearly worried and confused

"Because what's the point! There is no point in leadership without respect. And don't even try to suggest that people respect me, Graecie. With Ori whispering sweet nothings in everybody's ears, trying to turn them against me. I have nothing. I simply stand as a force to be opposed. You saw yesterday! Magic went in! Know, you! Ori!" He pauses, catching a bit of breath from raising his voice. "It's as if, I don't exist! I was voted for, sure! But none of my teachings have been followed. None of my rules have been said have been listened to. It's easier just to forget that I ever happened. One of the people that we voted for almost committed genocide of an entire second clearing. The moment that that was revealed, the chances of me being listened to were lost!" He yells, standing up from his seat, "anything I say now will be 'well how- how do we know you're not just listening to Apo. How do we know you're not just another Apo?' This is what they wanted from the beginning, Graecie" he says harshly, "Oeca, Mohwee, Ori, they didn't want order. I'm just- I can't do it anymore. Let someone else step up. Or don't!"

"Who's- who's gonna step up?" Graecie asks, her voice a bit hoarse

"Whoever is most convincing, probably Ori."

"But that doesn't change the fact are the...strongest-" Owen cuts her off with a laugh, "fighter we have" she finishes

"NO I'M NOT! HE BEAT ME!" Owen yells

"SO WHAT!" Graecie argues

"I'VE GOT NOTHING GRAECIE! It's better if I just go." He yells, starting to walk away.

"OWEN!" Graecie yells after him, but Owen just runs.


Owen found himself at the entrance of the maze, he made the decision to enter.

What will happen next...?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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