Princess Prologue

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I do not own The Little Mermaid, The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea, or The Little Mermaid III: Ariel's Beginning. All of the movies and characters depicted in this fanfiction belong to Disney.

Melody couldn't be happier. She finally understood why she felt so out of place in the world. There was a whole other half of her hidden under the sea. There were so many things she wanted to know. So many people she wanted to meet! She had just used her grandfather's trident to destroy that stupid wall when she heard her mother's voice call out to her.

"Melody, come here! There are some more people I want you to meet!"

Melody turned and swam over to her mother. Queen Ariel was surrounded by six other mermaids. Melody was sure she hadn't met any of them on her recent journey, but they seemed familiar. Maybe she had passed them while she was sneaking into the palace?

"Hello," she said.

"Hi!" They all chorused as they waited for their sister to introduce them.

"Melody, these are my sisters." Ariel held out her arm and pointed as she introduced them. "This is Attina, she's the oldest."

The one with reddish-orange shells and a matching tail came forward elegantly. She had pointy shelly sticking out of her brown hair like a crown.

"Hello Melody, it's so nice to see you again. The last time I saw you, you were just a baby." Attina held out her hand for her niece to take.

"Uh, thanks. It's nice to see you too, I guess." Melody shook her hand but didn't really know what else to say. Attina didn't really seem like someone she would normally hang out with. Definitely not anything like her mom. Luckily, her mom seemed to understand, and she continued the introductions.

"This is Alana,"

This sister had purplish shells to match her tail. She had black hair, which also held a shell, but it was pink and looked more like a traditional crown.

"Hi!" Alana exclaimed. "I love your dress."

Melody looked down at her yellow gown. It was soaked, but otherwise still looked mostly like she wanted.

"Thank you." She said.

"This is Adella," Ariel pointed to her third eldest sister.

Adella had an orange tail with yellow-green shells. Her dark brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail with an orange ring of pearls. She also had an odd bun-shaped bit of hair on the front of her head, which was pulled back with the same type of pearl band.

"So," Adella started wiggling her eyebrows. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Uh..." Melody felt her cheeks heat up. "N-no."

"Aww, that's too bad." Adella pouted before she was suddenly pushed out of the way by a mermaid with a blue tail and shells who had a similar hairstyle, except that her pearls were blue and her bangs didn't seem to need to be tied to stay on the front of her head. Her hair was also a slightly lighter brown.

"Stop hogging her, Adella!" the new mermaid yelled before she turned to Melody. "Hi! My name is Aquata! You can just ignore Adella over there. She's a little boy-crazy."

Aquata pretended to whisper the last part behind her hand, and Melody had to stop herself from laughing at the offended look Adella now sported.

"I am not!" Adella screeched. "There's nothing wrong with being curious about her!"

"If you say so..."

Suddenly, a white-haired mermaid swam up to Melody taking her attention from the quarreling sisters. This mermaid also had her hair in a ponytail with a pearl band, although hers was red to match her shells and tail. Her bangs flowed freely down both sides of her face.

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