Beginning Ariel's Beginning

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I do not own The Little Mermaid, The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea, or The Little Mermaid III: Ariel's Beginning. All of the movies and characters depicted in this fanfiction belong to Disney.

When everyone else heard what was going on, those on land ran to get blankets to lay on, while those in the sea went for floating devices so they could relax and watch without worrying about sinking.

Everyone in the kingdom wanted to learn more about their Queen. They all loved her. She was a wonderful person, and they couldn't be more happy to have her. However, they knew very little about her. She came from a magical, faraway place that they could barely imagine. This was a chance for them to learn of the wonderful fathoms below.

Everyone visiting from Atlantica and its regions was excited to learn more about their old princess as well. They had all heard the tales of her adventures and how she fought for love and what she believed in, but nobody had really seen her in twelve years. Even before she stopped visiting, she had been living in the world above for years and was rarely seen. Of course, they loved their other six princesses, but Ariel seemed to hold a special place in everyone's heart.

Melody was excited. She was finally going to learn about her mother and her whole other family! She had picked a rock large enough to hold her, her parents, and her two new friends, Tip and Dash. Sebastian was sitting on her shoulder, and Scuttle was flying all over the place. He didn't really seem to understand what was going on, but Melody figured he never really did anyway. Her grandfather was floating next to the rock along with his other six daughters and her mom's friend Flounder. Various other families were seated on rocks, on the shore, or floating in the sea. Melody couldn't help but think how nice it was to finally have her family all together like this.

King Triton sent one last questioning look to his daughter to make sure she really wanted to do this. When he got a smile and a nod, he turned and pointed his trident to the sky. A beam of light arced through the air before taking a square shape, and the image of a cove appeared.

Sebastian: The world above is a wonderful place.

"Sebastian?" Melody questioned. "Why is Sebastian narrating?"

"Well," King Triton stroked his beard. "I'm not really sure. Magic works in mysterious ways. Sebastian has watched over both you and your mother for years now. Maybe he was the best choice."

"Huh. You watched my mom too, Sebastian?"

"Das right."

Sebastian: But everyone knows the true magic lies... ... under the sea, where the water is clear, the fish swim free, and the merpeople live in the beautiful kingdom of Atlantica.

All of the land dwellers leaned forward, excited to get their first glimpse of the kingdom below.

"It's beautiful," Carlotta said, holding a hand to her chest. She was sitting on a rock with Grimsby and Louis, not too far away from the royal family.

"Quite." Grimsby agreed.

Sebastian: King Triton ruled the seas with a fair hand...

"Wow, grandfather. You look so young." Melody said before slapping her hand over her mouth, but King Triton just laughed.

"It was a long time ago."

Mermaids: Yoo-hoo!

King Triton: You're very kind.

"Ooooh! Daddy!" Adella giggled, making King Triton blush.

[Baby merman cooing.]

"Aw, he's so cute!" Dash clapped his flippers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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